Yesterday I went to my graduation ceremony. I now have (ceremonially) a masters degree in Library and Information Science.
I still don't quite feel it yet. I have a little bit of classwork to complete today (I took one class online through U of Illinois, who has slightly different semesters). I also will feel much better once I have the degree in hand. I may be a pessimist, but there's still room for things to go wrong, for some paperwork to have not been filled out properly, or for something unexpected to come to light. At the graduation, we got a 'teaser' certificate which says we should get our real degree around mid-June.
The first event to put both my parents in the same space with after the divorce was expectedly awkward but no explosions. Ceremony, social time at my house, and out to late lunch, all went smoothly. And again,
Harris Grill rocked.
I'll be now working full time on job hunting. I'm putting together an e-portfolio on my web site for showing to interviewers. If any of you web dev. gurus out there would like to take a look and give me some constructive criticism, I'd absolutely love it. I'll have it at (doesn't have much at the moment. Criticism will be needed after I have a chance to work on it this week). I now have dreamweaver to help me with this effort.
Scheduling my move to San Francisco is complicated but I'm confident it will work out. I expect to be moved by the end of June.
Next week I run in my second half-marathon. This one with hills. I'm a bit intimidated by the hills, but confident that I can complete it. This one will be in
Cincinnati, where I went to school for my undergrad degree.
I've been knitting lately. I finished my first shirt, and am working on a pair of tall socks. Then I'll take some time to make some little socks that are more appropriate to the season. Also, someone suggested entering into a
sock design/knitting competition, which I'm rather excited about. I have a neat idea for some tall socks for it. (I just started doing this, so I don't really expect to win, but I think it'll be a lot of fun to enter, and who knows.) [by the way, I'm katidid on]