::u make me wanna lala ::

Mar 16, 2005 18:01

I dont understand why Timmy has to be such a ass..and not talk to me..oh well its his loss..im willing to talk to him..But hes a stubborn ass and wont..so its cool..i dont need to put up with him at all..im over it..im not even heartbroken..ill find someone who will appreciate me for me and love me for me...he wasnt the one and i told him that...hes just another boy i dated..life goes on! im proud of myself...on the other hand i finally got back my shirt from Sarah! Shes had it almost a year! Crazy!!

::gr,i hate xboyfriends.well,actually i shouldnt say that,seeing as some of them are decent human beings,occassionally there comes along that incredibly irritating breed of ex bfs,the kind that seem intent on the total destruction of ur life.take "Dumbass" for instance he reigns supreme when it comes to a perfect specimen of xboyfriend ass holes.i mean,i have done nothing wrong since our blessed seperation.like all reasonable x girfriends i have abided by the unwritten law stating that you must ignore ur x at all costs and forget his existence.at times i was even civil to him despite his deserving my benevolence.you are honestly a pathetic little prick that cant handle rejection.i suggest that you get a psychiatrist becuase you are looking at a long and overwhelming future of rejection!:-D im over it!! :-) ::

Why I Hate Timmy:
He doesnt know how to treat girls
When we first met,he told me how mean he was to girls (should have listened!)
Cant handle a girlfriend
Cant support himself
Drinks to much
Cant take care of the most important person in his life
Thinks hes god's gift to woman
Doesnt know how to love someone
Wont ever grow up
Messed up family (glad im not married to him)
To much baby mama's drama!

GLAD ITS OVER! Now i can be happy again!
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