But the closer we get to the sunrise the more I miss last night...

May 30, 2006 15:09

So last night was SO much fun.

Lindsay came over around 3:30 and we put the finishing touches on together, as we always do. We looked super cute. We took a few pictures outside before we headed over to Julie's and boy oh boy were we looking good! :-)  Even missy agrees...

Miss0622 (9:43:55 AM): okay, so I can't get over how damn pretty you look in this picture
Miss0622 (9:44:05 AM): it makes me want to hug you into little itty bitty pieces
Miss0622 (9:44:12 AM): but then I might be sad
Miss0622 (9:44:21 AM): because I'd only have little itty bitty pieces of Katie
Miss0622 (9:44:28 AM): but hey, then I could bring you every where
Miss0622 (9:44:34 AM): pocket size
Miss0622 (9:44:36 AM): haha
Miss0622 (9:44:38 AM): I'm retarded

She is crazy, but I love her to death!

Anyways, Julie's was packed with people. Everyone looked to cute, especially the boys in their coordinating colored shirts and ties. You just wanted to hug them all. After hanging out there for a while we all headed to Feehan to meet the bus.

The bus ride was highly amusing. It was wicked warm and humid, but having every single window open made it quite breezy. Lindsay and I had a good time talking and listening to everyone else's conversations which were quite creepy. Oh well!

After about a million years we got to the port and after waiting a million more years in line, we finally got on the boat, after waiting a million years for Evan to hurry his ass along in the line because he needed to be with us in the group picture they took before you got onboard.  The picture came out super cute, and we all looked really good.

The boat was nice. We had the whole main floor which was mostly tables and a small dance floor.  We ate dinner fairly soon which was ok, but maybe that has something to do with my picky nature. After dinner we went outside to the top deck and hung around outside for pretty much the rest of the night. It was so nice! It was still really warm, but a lot less humid and there was such a nice breeze. Going through Boston at night was really cool, and everything looked so pretty from the water.

After hanging out on the dock we all went inside for a little for dessert which was pretty good. We each picked up something different and just snagged bites off of everyone else's.

After dessert Ryan, Lindsay, Kyle and I just hung around on the top deck again. It was so so so so pretty out at night with all the stars and all the buildings lit up. It was so nice to just sit out there.

In the last few minutes of the cruise we all hit the dance floor which was highly amusing, but quite fun. Nothing works better to get all of us dancing than to play My Humps. :-) The night ended exceedingly cheesy with the DJ playing Graduation which made us remember 8th grade more than the last 4 years, which was highly amusing.

The bus ride back was uneventful. We were all separated because we were slow walking back.  I just snuggled up with Ryan and went to sleep so it didn't matter much to me. :-)

It really was a blast though. I remember talking to Jenna over Christmas break maybe about how things like prom are so overrated and not nearly as fun as you want them to be and how we just have to wait for all of the end of the year things like the cruise and it will be so much better, and she was so right. I had the most fun I have had in a long long time last night with my all-time favorite people (minus my Dutch skank).

OMG though! That made me remember that they were playing Ozone as we were leaving the boat and we were all singing it and everyone was looking at us really weird wondering how the hell they know this song and what the hell are we saying. I must say I did feel pretty cool. Good ol' Romanian pop music!

(Lindsay's pictures from last night --> http://community.webshots.com/album/550880005mNXMGN )

This morning Lindsay and I went shopping, which we have done way way way too much lately. It was quite fun though. We bought some stuff, mostly necessities for the  next few days. I love creating needs!  And I especially love fulfilling those needs with my Slater-face!

Tonight is the 82623639 hour long awards ceremony so that should be interesting.  Hopefully out after. And then the beach tomororw!!! I am so pumped. I just want to be in LC with the sun out to get a tan! lol. Hopefully tomorrow goes a lot better than yesterday did...

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