Happy Hump Day =)

Apr 05, 2005 19:43

Today was a Good Day.

My report card was ok i mean i got a 3.0 at least. But i'm trying to do a little better. I'm sure i'm going to get lazy and end up slacking off but i guess it's good to be motivated for a short amount of time at least. This afternoon i had the craziest experience of my life. After that me and ash started to watch Fight Club, but it was time for small groups. SG's was good although it there was only 5 of us there. I came home and made like a couple of corrections to my senior exit paper, because its due tommaw. Than I watched the end of american idol, and im pretty pissed that Nikko got voted off over Scott. I mean come on? I like Scott and all but i like Nikko waaaay better. But My Favorite is Anwar, i so think he should win or Kerry shes good too. Well enough of my rambling. Tommarow's supposed to be a yucky day, i HATE days when it rains. Everyone is in a crappy mood, hopefully tommarow will be different. OK im going to bed its like 9:50 and im ExHaUsTed.

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