I was Thinking to myself this could be heaven or this could be Hell

Jan 18, 2005 05:33

> 1. First Name: Sarah
> 2. Middle Name: Katherine
> 3. Last name: Fowler
> 4. Nick Names:Katie,Katie Bird,Flamingo,Katie Boo,Marco,KayGay.
> 5. Eye Color: Green
> 6. Hair Color: Blonde with brown low lights.
> 7. Height: 5’4 and a half
> 8. Age: 16
> 9. Grade, School: 11th, South
> 10. Shoe size: 8 1/2
> 11. Birthday: March 3rd


> 12. Loudest: Anne
> 13. Funniest: Anna.
> 14. Most Friendly: um, Julieta
> 15. Most Trust Worthy:Ashley
> 16. Best Dressed: Lauren Arey
> 17. Most likely to succeed: Anne
> 19. Weirdest: um, theres a few.
> 20. Most down-to-earth: hm...
> 21. Drink: sweet tea with lemon
> 22. TV Show:Law & Order SVU and Desperate Housewives
> 23. Holiday: Christmas
> 24. Color: Pink.
> 25. Movie: Big Daddy, Pulp Fiction,Driving Miss Daisy,Dazed & Confused
> 26. Day of the week: FrIdAy!
> 27. Food: Shrimp or Potato soup
> 28. Cartoon Character: Hank Hill.
> 29. Singer/Band: um. Lots but my ABSOLUTE favorite. The Eagles
> 30. Actor:Adam Sandler; Actress:julia roberts

> -Number Of-
> 31. Dogs: 1
> 32. Cats: none
> 33. Friends:Im not counting.
> 34. CD's: ALOT
> 35. Family Members in your house: 3
> 36. Sisters: 0
> 37. Brothers: 0
> 38. Pillows on your bed: like 5
> 39. Computers in your house: 3
> 40. Phone Lines in your house: 1

> -Sweet Hearts-
> (if you are single, discard these questions)

> 41. Boyfriend/ Girlfriend:
> 42. Who:
> 43. How long have you been dating this person:
> 44. How old are they:
> 45. What’s the sweetest thing they have ever done for you:

> -BELIEFS(do you believe in..)-
>46. God: yes,
>47. Satan: yea
>48. Aliens: no
> 49. Ghosts: yea
> 50. Yourself: sometimes,
> 51. Heaven/Hell: yes
> 52. Angels: of course
> 53. Love at First Site: um. possibly
> 54. Do you Have a Religion: Christan.
> 55. Wishing on Stars:i do it, but it never works.
> 56. Gotten in a car accident:yea
> 57. Given Money to a Bum: no but i have given them food.
> 58. Shop Lifted:uhh. it was along time ago.
> 59. Been arrested: not really
> 60. Cheated on a test:um. yea probally one to many times

> -Random Stuff-
> 61. How old is your mom: 44
> 62. How old is your dad: 49
> 63. How many schools have you been to: 4. from k-11
> 64. Do you like muffins: yea
> 65. What’s your opinion on homosexuals: Whatever flots their boats.
> 66. Do you have your own car: yea.
> 67. Do you have a Cellular Phone/ Pager: i used to.
> 68. What is something everyone teases you about: um. Whatever they can come up with.
> 69. Who is your favorite teacher: well my 5th grade teacher, Mrs.Cato and Mrs.O'shea oh and Mrs.Brown
> 70. If you could wake up to any song, which one would it be?"Jammin"...Bob Marley
> 71. What about going to sleep: i'd rather watch tv to go to sleep to.
> 72. What time do you wake up: 5:30 on school mornings.
> 73. What do you eat for breakfast: rarely anything
> 74. If you could eat lunch with a famous person, who would it be?:uhm, i dont know.
> 75. Gold or Silver: Silver
> 76. What would you hate to be left in a room with: roaches.
> 77. What is your favorite body part on people: um. i dunno?
> 78. Least Favorite: Feet.
> 79. What is a question you HATE to be asked: um. i dont know.
> 80. What characteristics do you hate in a person: Liers.
> 81. Fizzy or still water to drink: huh?
> 82. How many closets in your room: 2
> 83. What color is your room: Periwinkle
> 84. Can you juggle: no not at all.
> 85. If you won the lottery, how long would you wait to tell someone: i wouldnt wait any time,
> 86. Buttered, plain, or salted popcorn: Um Butterd.
> 87. Summer or Winter: Fall or Spring.
> 88. Can you touch your nose with your tongue: nope
> 89. What inspires you: music
> 90. What do you eat for breakfast: i dont eat breakfest i already said that.
> 91. Do you like the way fingernail polish smells: not really
> 92. What was the last movie you saw: um. 50 First Dates i think.?
> 93. Black or white: black
> 94. Are you tired: yea
> 95. What time is it: 5:49 pm
> 96. Are you bored with this survey: kinda
> 97. What EXACTLY are you doing at this EXACT moment: typing.
> 98. Are you glad this is almost over: yea cause i wana go lay down
> 99. What’s your favorite song quote: um one is "Beyond the Doors theres peace im sure i know there will be no more tears in heaven"--eric Clapton
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