Feb 19, 2005 15:28
fifteen random favorites...
+ the color pink
+ bagels
+ nyc
+ roasted potatoes
+ taking pictures
+ justin timberlake
+ the ocean
+ new york yankees
+ midnight Mass
+ not being able to stop laughing
+ going barefoot
+ driving with my windows down and the music blaring
+ cute hats
+ purses
+ earrings
fourteen favorite foods...
+ steak
+ potatoes
+ chicken
+ turkey
+ Italian stuffing
+ smurf ice cream
+ ice cream
+ shrimp
+ french fries
+ doritos
+ chocolate chip cookies
+ ravioli
+ strawberries
thirteen favorite TV SHOWS...
+ friends
+ Law and Order: SVU
+ American Idol
+ Fresh Prince
+ Cold Case
+ Will and Grace
+ newlyweds
+ apprentice
+ joey
+ committed
+ law and order
+ law and order: CI
twelve favorite drinks...
+ water
+ english toffee capuccino
+ caramel steamer
+ malibu breeze
+ caramel macchiato
+ caramel apple cider
+ french vanilla capuccino
+ hot chocolate
+ apple cinnamon tea
+ strawberry daiquiri
+ orange juice
+ coffee
eleven favorite songs...
+ 'Tilt Cha Head Back'--Nelly and Christina Aguilera
+ 'Kiss'--Prince
+ 'Clarity'--John Mayer
+ 'Like I Love You'--Justin Timberlake
+ 'If I Ain't Got You'--Alicia Keys
+ 'Crazy in Love'--Beyonce
+ 'Beautiful Disaster'--Kelly Clarkson
+ 'Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters'--Elton John or Mandy Moore
+ 'Operator'--Tobey Lightman
+ 'Bend and Break'--Keane
+ 'Hollaback Girl'--Gwen Stefani
ten things you look forward to...
+ Alicia concert in April
+ Pam's wedding
+ Going to Chicago this summer
+ Warmer weather
+ Hanging out with friends again
+ Getting a new car
+ Getting my next paycheck
+ Uh...finding a nice boy one day
+ Having kids
+ Bedtime
nine close friends...
+ Michy
+ Dee
+ Becky
+ Jess
+ Michelle
+ Jameka
+ Laura
+ Pam
+ Marissa
eight things you wear daily...
+ my cross
+ underwear
+ my claddagh ring
+ my Nanny's ring
+ socks
+ shoes
+ shirt
+ top
seven things you want...
+ a nap
+ some food
+ a new car
+ a bigger closet
+ warmer weather
+ to see my friends again
+ vacation
six things you touch every day...
+ my computer
+ my car keys
+ my food
+ myself (Let's not think dirty here, I have to shower, don't I?)
+ the telephone
+ my clothes
five movies you could watch over and over...
+ A League of Their Own
+ Rudy
+ There's Something About Mary
+ Legally Blonde
+ Shrek
4 of your favorite toys when you were little...
+ Snuggle
+ Quints
+ Rainbow Brite
+ Candyland
three things that annoy you...
+ Arrogance
+ Dishonesty
+ Disrespect
two of your favorite possessions...
+ my photo albums
+ my nanny's ring
1 person you could spend the rest of your life with...
+ myself. That's the one I'm sure about