(no subject)

Apr 15, 2004 21:19

::Basics:: What time is it?: 9:20 What is your full name?: catherine patrica  ....your age?: almost 14 ...your zodiac sign?: virgo ....your birthday?: september 13  where were you born?: providence where do you live now?: n scituate   Do you have any siblings? If so, what are their names and ages?:
yes, tim-11, chris-9
Are you the eldest, middle, or youngest child?: oldest =p What is your shoe size?: umm 7 1/2? ...height?: 5 foot 2 inches  ....weight?: dont wanna say ::This or that:: Pepsi or coke?: coke A home cooked meal or fast food?: depends cats or dogs?: dogs Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter (Movie wise)?: Lord of the Rings reading a book or watching a TV show?: book pens or pencils?: pencils if i want to be neat.. otherwise pens makers or cryans?: crayons or colored pencils cryans or colored pencils?: ^ hey, wait.. VHS or DVD?: dvd Diet cola or regular cola?: i should say diet... but regular Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom?: bloom  ::Favorites:: What is your favorite...drink?: i've been saying shirley temples but idk ...food?: pizza ...candy?: umm ....soda?: coke ....gum flavor?: spearmint  ...author?: dont have one. ...book?: ditto ....movie?: too many   ....band/singer?: dont have one ....car?: bmw ...brand of clothing?: dont know. ...animal?: ahaha i remember when i used to be obsessed with penquins.. ....kind of cheese?: the kind from a deli? Who is your favoite...actor?: johnny depp ...actress?: umm... katie holmes?? ::Music:: What kind of music do you listen to?: lots- rap, hip hop Name a few of your favorite bands?: bands??  ummmm  Name a few of your favorite songs?: naughty girl, yeah, dirt off your shoulder, tipsy, my band, game over, move your body, burn, and so many others  Why are they your favorites?: cuz i like them  What song(s)...makes you cry?: butterfly kisses ...reminds you of...your mest friend?: dont know. ...your enime?: ditto ...your views on life?: ditto ::school:: What school do you go to?: mount saint charles what's your mascot?: MOUNTIE!! What grade are you in?: 8 Do you like school?: eh .... Do you play any sports?: dance, dance, dance  What is your favoite subject?: english i guess What subject do you hate the most?: science what teacher do you hate the most?: mrs lalibertie  What subject does he/she teach?: science Who is your favorite teacher?: don't have one. what subject does he/she teach?: - what time does your first class start?: 8:05 What time does your last class end?: 2:05 What time is your lunch(s): varies from which day  ::Right now:: What CD is in your CD player?: my mix what book are you reading?: second helpings what are you thinking about doing after you're done doing this survey?: sleep what time is it now?: 9:29 What is your favorite.. gum: orbit restaurant: johnny rockets drink: shirley temples season: summer babii yea  type of weather: hott but w. a cool breeze emotion: love thing to do on a half day: go home and sleep late-night activity: dance--ahaha jill =] sport: love to watch hockey city: new york store: i shop at too many places When was the last time you.. cried: wen i stubbed my toe on the cement played a sport: last nite laughed: a few minutes ago  hugged someone: when i got home from shopping kissed someone: when i woke up this morning felt depressed: umm tuesday felt elated: wat does elated mean? felt overworked: idk faked sick: hehehe last tuesday lied: ahh i do it without noticing What was the last.. word you said: you thing you ate: meatbal grinder song you listened to: Yeah- Usher thing you drank: rootbear place you went to: providence place mall movie you saw: the prince and me movie you rented: dickie roberts concert you attended: ummm....... Who was the last person you.. hugged: mom cried over: a boy..... kissed: mom danced with: derek  shared a secret with: jill had a sleepover with: elyse  called: dont remember went to a movie with: shea  saw: the prince and me were angry with: a lot of people couldn't take your eyes off of: someone speical obsessed over: someone special Have you ever.. danced in the rain: oh yess kissed someone: like a guy.. hehe wouldnt u like to know done drugs: not illegally drank alcohol: yes. slept around: nope. partied 'til the sun came up: yup had a movie marathon: yeah. gone too far on a dare: dont think so.. spun until you were immensely dizzy: yess taken a survey quite like this before: yupp
current clothing: lake placid sweatshirt, 'jama's
currentt mood: happy =]
current taste:chocolate                                                                                       current hair: straightened
current annoyance: something's in my eye
current smell: brothers aftershave--ickkkk
current thing you ought to be doing: getting ready to catch some z's 
current jewelry: watch, earrings
current book: second helpings - Megan McCafferty
current refreshment: nothing
current worry: that i will never see hiim again!!!!! 
current crush: hehehehe..... ill never tell
current favorite celebrity: Orlando Bloom 
current longing: u really wanna kno....
current music your head: gangster hip hop                                          current makeup (if you're a girl!): eyeliner, mascara, chapstick
current undergarments: bra & undies
current regret: that i didn't stay in touch with some people
current desktop picture: the beach
current plans for tonight/weekend: cant tell its a surprise                current cuss word du jour: um?
current disappointment: ehh
current amusement: Brother's head stuck in garbage can                 current IM/person you're talking to: steph
current love: ur sure u wanna kno
current obsession: ditto.
current avoidance: umm. you.
current thing or things on your wall: iim downstairs.....
current favorite book: don't have one.
current favorite movie: 13 going on 30 ( i havent seen it yet ) 
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