(no subject)

Sep 03, 2005 10:57

schoool started..its been a good 2 days, i would say. i have C lunch, and ms.campbells already driving me insane.
umm stuff happend thrusday after school..but later that night, i hung out with trevor, kailey, and zach! OH, AND I GOT THE JOB AT THE XMAS TREEE SHOP! orrientations tuesdayyyy! so, me zach and kailey hung out. i love them.

on friday ( no school..!) i hung out with trevor, and then he had work at 3..so,i cleaned my computer room, because umm well, it needed it.
then, i got kailey..and we went and got sean and eric, and we went to the football game, where we met dylan and trevor. after the game, we decied to go to dunkins, where we met a bunch of other people. erin called eric, and she wanted him to go over, so me and kailey went, and took him to erin. THEN, THE TROUBLE STARTS:

some bitch, whos ryan odells girlfriend, has the sudden urge, to freak out, because she thinks kailey was to have sex with ryan. so, i calmly was talking to her..but yah she started screaming, called me a bitch, so i told her to get the tampon out of her ass and to stop being such a cunt.
so, after we bring eric to erins, and kaily go back to dunkins, where everyone is.dylan talked to the girl for awhile..but she was stupid. i then find out, that they know where i live, and if i dont go meet her somewhere theyre going to come to my house. NOW, LET ME JUST SAY, THERES NO WAY IN HELL, IM GOING TO HAVE SOME WHITE TRASH BITCH BAGS, COME TO MY HOUSE.

SO, in the end, me and kailey were dtiched, by trevor sean adam and ian..at dunkins on canal st. with 7 other girls..and 2 guys,who were to stab us. the only reason why they didnt,is because ryan was there, and ryan said that they wouldnt touch us he was there. the deal orignally was, if we said "sorry" theyd say "sorry" back. umm lets just say, it didnt work out that way.
oh, and they wanted us to get on out knees..and i was like fuck u, ur not worth it. oh, and i guess because i called one of them a preppy bitch, they were all like OOOH, WELL LOOK AT WHOS WEARING A&F..and im like uhh...you are too..lmao. jeeeez.

the past couple of days, have sucked major balls.

people are gay. i dont mean it, and every name i called every one of those white-trashers, i ment it.

TODAY, im bring kaileys to her dad, and then im going to trevors dads tonight for dinnnner.

the end.
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