so i know ive told a couple of you guys about my decision to no longer shop at walmart. Mainly for its relations with womens' rights and its effect on our economy. i know my measley 25 dollars a month won't exactly hurt walmarts billion dollar income but i have been thinking alot, and its time that my life, the way i live day to day, where i shop, all of it, reflects my beliefs and my morals. I believe in the equality of women in the workplace, and that for our economy to be successful and to survive we have got to bring it back to our soil. As americans we have this mindset that if it doesnt affect us directly then we really dont care what is happening to other people, wether it be overseas, in iraq, in washington, or even in our cities. and you may not care about what a terrible corporation walmart is, for its employees and our economy, but its enough for me to no longer support them.
check it for yourself- i know its kind of long, but i hope you take the time to read it and form your own opinion.