I have my own website, www.0h-gee.net, I have done for a year and a half now. I rarely blog, and when I do it's usually rubbish. But anyways, I had someone comment it (surprisingly rare these days!), and I clicked on their blog - to comment back - which is the normal thing to do. One of their previous entries on the same page was this 5000 Question Survey. Think they were like on their 19th post of it.
So, I googled '5000 Question Survey' and it opened up on '
http://5000questionsur.livejournal.com/' - yup! A Fellow livejournal! So, at the end of each post that I make, or if I don't have anything interesting to talk about, I will place at least ten questions. That will be the minimal. It depends how much time I have. OH of course, if I've blogged on my iPod, I won't have access the livejournal page, so I probably won't have questions then. So at least it won't be all the time that you see questions.
Anyway, before I start on the questions. I haven't really been doing much today. Our boiler obviously doesn't work, so I'm sitting at my desk with plenty of layers. I also had my haircut today, had about 2 inches taken off, I would take a picture but it's late (well it's not, it's the lighting thats poop at this time), so I will add it in tomorrow's blog :).
5000 Question Survery Part 1 :)
1. Who are you? I'm Katherine Anne Marsh!
2. What are the 3 most important things everyone should know about you? I'm shy, I don't like eating in public, and I'm scared of heights (and stairs which have gaps inbetween each step).
3. When you aren't filling out 5,000 question surveys like this one what are you doing? Browsing on Youtube, and creeping on peoples Twitters & Facebooks.
4. List your classes in school from the ones you like the most to the ones you like the least (or if you are out of school, think of the classes you did like and didn't like at the time). Okay - well I finished school like 2 years ago. I loved Drama, Dance, Art, DT, English, Science (only for the experiments), and hated all the rest (History, Geography, PE, MATHS :|, errrrm what else is there? )
5. What is your biggest goal for this year? Earn some pennies, get a boyfriend, and survive the year :)
6. Where do you want to be in 5 years? Famous, pah I wish :/. I would like to be happy, in a relationship, in Uni or earning a good income.
7. What stage of life are you in right now? Adulthood, I'm 18. I'm at that point where I'm trying to figure out my life, and what I want to do.
8. Are you more child-like or childish? I look child-like, but I can be childish.
9. What is the last thing you said out loud? "I didn't say that, that was Mum."
10. What song comes closest to how you feel about your life right now? Oh gosh. I hate questions like this. Errrrrrr. Oft. I don't really have one. Cos most songs I know are about love, and I've not been in a real solid relationship ever. The longest has been like a month. So yeah :/.