May 12, 2004 18:34
Firsts...(yes julia i stole it from you)
First job: babysitting? umm working at my mommys craft sale
First screen name: ( ihave something with rhyming emails! WOO)
First funeral: my brother bryan
First pet: frisky my cat
First piercing/tattoo: Ears
First credit card: Don't have one yet
First kiss: my parents!! woo serously though (stole it from you julia) they really were my first kiss if you think about it.
First enemy: dont remember....umm amanda nicholls? but that didnt last long
First favorite musician: backstreet boys/nsyns/spice girls...i still love them to death.
Last car ride: home from school with kayla ryan tyler and mom
Last kiss: less thana month ago...please don't remind me
Last library book checked out: The Shining...its so good!! i only checked it out like a week and a half ago and im already like halfway thru it
Last movie watched: Cat in the hat a couple nights ago
Last beverage drank: Water...i basically don't drink anything else.
Last food consumed: pizza
Last phone call: not for a long time...
Last time showered: this morning
Last CD played: Skillet
Last website visited:
Single or Taken: single...thank you god
Sex: Female
Birthday: October 7/89
Sign: Libra
Siblings: Tyler...Oreo if she counts as a sister..:)
Hair color: it was reddish brown till i dyed it yesterday! now its darker brown.
Eye color: greenish bluish yellowish brownish...eveyrthing changes depending on what i wear which is usually black so my eyes are usually green/yellow/blue
Shoe size: 6 1/2-7
Height: 5'1
Right now what are you...
Wearing: my dance stuff cause i gotta go for dance in a little bit
Drinking: nothing
Thinking about: stupid boys. bad boys...dumb dumb dumb boys...they cause me so much grief...
Listening to:Blink 182-Down...=)