Love/Hate list.

Apr 27, 2004 20:55

Julia baby you inspiried me

Here's my Love/Hate list for Tuesday, April 27th. hahahaha her ve go!


1) GOD --- >'s kind of self explanitory am i right? can i get an AMEN! :)

2) Food : Where the heck would it be without it...i think i'd be dead, well not think, i know, but its just such an enjoyment, and since the 30 hour famine, holy crap i hve aa new respect for mac and cheese!! o and weiners too

3) Friends : where would i be without them? where would i be without god? not in existance....and without food that god givers, i'd be dead, i think i explained that already:) but yes...friends are cool, well...some, julia baby i love you, how. i don't kow, but you have the ability to make me pee myself....literally!! and i wouldnt that in for anything!! i wont forget you when your gone, :) i'll visit you all the time, then you visit me.:) it shall be grand. yah and friends just have the ability to make you laugh no matter wat your mood is...i know when i'm feeling down or just not 100%, i go to them, get a hug and laugh my lungs out.

4) Family : Family rocks, specially mine cause they know everything, well...only my mommy, she knows me better than myself, she even knows things my friends don't know, which is weired because everyones like "my moms dumb" and im like :) i love my mommy then hteir like shut up katie and im like, yes ma'am. and my bro's awesome and my daddys my hockey-watching partner from now on, its hardcore bonding time i swear!

5) Slurpees : ... we ARE the slurpee captial of the world...and i'm proud to say i'm a sponsor of buying slurpees and giving seven eleven my hard earned money. it's so completeley worth it

6) Watermellon candies : i really haev to explain that one? :D

7) Evanescence : For those of you who know me, you knew this was going to be on here. evanescence is teh ultimate band ever!! and i wish i was amy lee:) if only, but yes

8) Guitar : you can play all different kinds of stuff on there! from heavy metal to classical! it's the best! and plus, its' a great stress reliever

9) Bikes : witout them i think i would be in depression. when im mad i go for a bike ride to my river, which leads me to my next point

10) River and Lakes : Don't you just love sitting on the ground and looking out into nowhere? which leads me to my NEXT point HOLY CRAP

11) Zoning : it's incredible what you can block out when you life savor

12) My cut off PJ pants: holy MAN their so comfy i would die for those!!!

13) My T-Shirt Collection : I have alot of tshirts, adn those of you who are my freinds should know that, i love my tshirts and i would also die for any of them :)

14) Backstreet Boys : Self Explanitory!!!!

k well thast done for my love list even tho i have so much more here is my

Hate List

1) SPIDERS: EW EW EW don't even get me started, their so creepy and crawly and HOLY CRAP EW

2) Boys : Boys are bad.

3) Rap : does it really take talent? "fo sheezey my neezy me and mah thugs gonna go cruzin ballaz" see i just made one up! watch out snoop d - o - double g, k to the izzle's comin up behind y'allizzlez

4) Headaches : headaches are the leading cause of sucking the fun out of everything

5) Rug Burn : is it me or does that not go away! I mean come on, i got rug burn like a month ago and the scab is still tehre. supid

6) Sun Burn(acutally any kind of bun in general) sun burn you cna't wear pants cause it hurts if you have it on your legs geeeze

7) Indoor Gym Class : I seriously hate it i could pee on the gym floor. we have to play inside when its so darn nice outside dumb mrs z.

8) Liars : I hate people who lie to you. especially it's something stupid like if you had someone over and you lied saying you didnt' do anything, thats just low...its one of those things that make you not want to trust that person again because ifthey lie about that god knows what they lie about

9) Cheaters : I guess its kinda like Liars but you know, cheaters stink...o well whatcha gonna do

10) Carbonated Water : i once took a chug from a bottle of carbonated water not knowing that it was..well...carbonated, it was so nasty and i almost barfed

11) Those lime taco chips: I mean come on, what kind of moron would "enhance" taco chips with the flavor or lime. i gaged and then coughed then almost barfed...again when i ate one it was so nasty

well i think thats the end of that. thank you.
until we meet again
(i dont think we ever have met. thisi s my journal after all...meH!)
-katie (aka mooks;)
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