rOaD tRiP tO aUsTiN!!~

Jul 03, 2005 23:16

hey guys.. well yesterday i got up like around 11:30 and i got some breakfast and then i started watching gattaca, the movie.. cause it was on HBO and like kevin had said something about it being good.. so idk.. i just started watching it.. and i'm not gonna lie to you.. it was wEiRd.. yeah idk.. but like this guy (vincent) wanted to get into this place.. i'm thinking it was like a program or school of some sort and apparently you had to be like the quintessential human being in order to get in or something and vincent wasn't.. so he calls this other guy and he comes to his house and he's got like these vials of blood.. and he's like "which one do you want?" or something.. and basically the guy with the vials makes vincent into some other guy (gerome i think..) so he can like get into the program.. so yeah after they do all this shit to his teeth and stuff you think they're done and then the guy who is changing vincent into someone else it like "your height.." and vincent is like "what about it?" and he's like "gerome was 2 inches taller.." and he looks at him and he's like "o0oh i'm not doing that.." and the guy is like "but vincent.. i thought you were committed.." and vincent is like "i am not going to do that.." and then you like see the creepy guy with this saw type thing and then you see vincent laying there with these leg braces so my guess is that he like cut his legs and somehow (i don't want to know how) added two inches to the guy's legs.. WTF? idk.. weird movie.. and then kelly called me..

kelly was like hey what's up.. what are you doing, do you want to go swimming at my grandma's pool- cause she's out of town, i just called her and stuff.. so we made that plan and then we went swimming at her grandma's house (sasa). so we swam for like 3 or 4 hours.. good tan i might add. and when we were swimming we brought their plastic patio chairs in the pool to sit. haha we're so cool.. haha and then we timed ourselves like swimming down and back and holding our breath swimming down and back and just holding our breath.. and yeah.. and we talked about a lot.. like everything.. as me and kelly always do.. haha.. yeah so then we took showers and went back to her house and chilled with her parents.. kyle was somewhere else, idk.. anyway.. we started watching white noise with her parents.. it was so wEiRd.. i'm not kidding.. her dad fell asleep and then her mom was like "haha marvin fell asleep.." and i was like "damn.. no wonder.. this movie is so SLOW.. they're like showing a bunch of fuzzy tvs because the dead people are trying to talk to them.." whatever.. that movie is weird.. and i was like "i am so tired.." haha and kelly's mom was like "do you want to go lay in kelly's bed?" and i was like "you don't have to tell me twice.." haha that was random.. but yeah so then kelly came in when it was over and informed me that i didn't miss anything except the dead demons killing the main character.. idk it was weird and boring and slow.. horrible movie.. anyway.. so then we watched some of live 8 and then we went to casa ole with her parents and when we were leaving kelly's mom was like "kelly i will give you $20 if you put that hat on and walk around the restaurant dancing and singing ay ay ay.." haha it was so funny and kelly actually did it.. haha her mom didn't give her the money though haha and when we were walking out her mom like looked at the hostesses and was like "we just picked her up from the hospital and she hasn't taken her medicine.." haha and they started cracking up laughing and me and kelly's mom were too.. haha.. and then we rented movies. omgosh we were getting ready to check out and the lady was like (to kelly) "ma'am you're going to have to pay now or i am going to give the last copy to this man right here.." cause it was the last copy.. obviously.. haha so yeah that pissed kelly off.. and then we got the movie.. that lady was not cool.. but w/e.. then i had to go home because i am going to austin with kelly and her mom from tuesday to thursday! road trip with the girls.. so much fun.. anyway.. my dad din't want me to spend like so many nights out if i am going to austin with them! yay! so exciteD!

so today i got up early, took a shower, straightened my hair, made it look all pretty and then went to kelly's to go to church with her. then we left and it was pretty far away. haha we got there and then i met kelly's grandma, and then i met matt's mom, and then we saw matt, so cute haha. and then we talked for a little bit and then church started.. and then when it ended me and kelly, her mom, matt's mom, and kelly's grandma went to lunch at cafe express.. it was really good. matt couldn't go cause he was grounded i think.. and then after lunch we went to matt's house and saw his adorable kitten sleeping with him on the couch. omgoodness that was like the cutest thing eveR! haha and then we went back to kelly's house, changed and went to her dad's parents house to swim with kelly's parents. we swam for a long time and i am so effing tan.. and then i had to go home to help kevin and my dad clean up the house before my mom came home.. so we cleaned the house and i took a shower.. and then we left at like 7:20 to get my mom from the airport and we came home and ate dinner and my mom is really glad to be back. i missed her. then me and kevin watched the world series of poker or something for a while.. now i'm here.. and yeah i am so excited about the austin road trip. it's going to be a blast. i know you're jealous. haha i would be jealous of me too, so it's okay.. haha alright later guys, much love, xoxo


NEW NEWS! tasha has just informed me that she has gotten her nose pierced.. i have not yet received any details pertaining to this recent occurence such as: if it looks good, if tasha likes it, if it hurt, what it is (as in the ring i guess..) and where she got it done.. and apparently this kristen person.. is a nose piercing friend stealer.. we un-heart her. anyway.. more on this at a later date.. goodnight all, xoxo
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