After the first week at my new summer job, I realized my entire summer had suddenly evaporated. I saw a long stretch of days--months, even--in front of me, with every moment scheduled. No trips to Eugene. No extended trips anywhere, really, unless two days counts as extended. I work from eight in the morning to five in the evening every day. Tuesday and occasionally Wednesday are my only days off. As the weather gets warmer, I'll probably be working seven days a week.
Ugh. Here's where I smack myself and remember that this is entirely necessary if I want to keep dreaming about staying at Sarah Lawrence past my sophomore year (The $11,000 bill for the first semester came in the mail the other day). Also, how lucky am I to find a nice, full-time, decently-paying job in the economic hellhole that is Prineville, Oregon?
Meanwhile, all I can think about is getting over to Eugene to see the U of O and South kids, and to be in this undoubtedly sweet YouTube series my friends are filming.
[Jump-cut: the show centers around a young man who wants nothing more from the world than to be a supervillain. Unfortunately, said young man is also a clueless, inept, and charismaless individual that grew up in his parents' basement reading comic books, and is decidedly sans-any super powers. His supervillain name is Clockeye, because he wears a wristwatch as an eyepatch. Other characters featured: Sir Lightning, Dr. Useless, and me, the local anchorwoman, Stacey Zalenko. Ryan Hanson makes the occasional appearance as the normal-guy roommate, as does his lover, Sebastian (played by Frasier, who will double as Dr. Useless).]
this elljay-cut isn't for dial-up users, but features some beautiful shots of the tough and skilled folks I'll be dispatching for, as well as the scenery they deal with.
On bigger fires, an air tanker will often drop retardant (the red stuff) to slow down/put out the blaze. It's biodegradable, but it can gum up a chainsaw.
More retardant...
Water drop