Jan 25, 2005 14:49
What is your name? Katie
Height: 5'2”
Eye color: blue
Weight: 95 pound lady
Where were you born? Virginia Beach, Va
Have you ever failed a grade? no
Do you have crush on someone? Not anymore
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yessshh
If so, what is his/her name? Timmberly
What are you wearing right now? Pj pants and a hoodie and santa sox
Would you have sex before marriage? tya
Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers? No deffinatly not
Are you a virgin? Yeaa not for long tho
Do you smoke? yea
Do you drink? Deffinaly yes, bad experisnces tho
Are you ghetto? Hellllz yea
Are you a player? Helllz yaa
What are your favorite colors? Orange and orange
What is your favorite animal? Monkeys!
Have you ever gotten your ass kicked? Does my mom count? lol
Have you ever beat someone up? Helllz yeaa. Aka Nicole spina
Who do you talk to most on the phone? tim
Are you shy or outgoing? outgoing
Do you every feel stupied for things you do/say? Hell yeah doesn’t everbody
How easily do you trust people? I don’t easily
Have you ever lied to your best friends? Yeah who doesnt
Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing? Um yea sur
Would you ever sky dive? Hellz ya
Have you ever been suspended from school? yup
Are you spoiled? maaaybe
Are you a brat? I dunno am I?
Have you ever been dumped? yea
Have you ever gotten high? Yeeea deffinaly
What's your favorite drink? Katies lemon shock on the rocks
Do you drink a lot of water? no
Do you have a cell phone or pager? Cell phone
Do you have a curfew? no
Who do you look up to? Napolian dynomite
What name brand do you wear the most? Wonder bread
Do you like getting your picture taken? sometimes
Do you have a tan? in the summer
Do you get annoyed easily? no
Have you ever run away? yes
Do you daydream a lot? sometimes
Do you run your mouth? Yeah all the time ..problem?
What do you want a tattoo of? I dunnoo
What are your favorite flowers? dandilions
What does your most recent crush look like? A scottsman
When was the last time you bitched someone out? Last night..tim
Do you like getting dirty? surre
What is your heritage? Russian, irish, and a little bit of everything
Could you ever be a vegetarian? Nooo I like meat
Describe your looks? bones