(no subject)

Jul 07, 2007 16:29

Type your cut contents here.

[An author who had affected you] Herman Hesse.

[What you most like to do on a Sunday] Eat breakfast, listen to music, and read the paper in peace and quiet as I do every Sunday.

[A taste that makes you melt] Mmmm.

[The film you could watch over and over] Girl, Interrupted.

[Something important on your computer desk] USB disk.

[What you would keep in a safe, if you had one] A piece of paper that reads "Haha....ha."

[Things you like to buy] CDs. Panties, glorious panties! [Thank you, Eric Forman.]

[If you could afford it at this moment, you would buy] Two plane tickets to Hawaii.

[You collect] Nothing.

[Your strangest possession] I don't know. None of my posessions are strange to me.

[Your most expensive possession] Computer.

[Your prized possession] Nano.

[If your house was burning and you only had time to rescue 3 things, they would be] My purse. My cat (Hopefully I'd get one, and my mom the other.) My laptop.

[Something forbidden you have done that might even surprise your closest friends] Well, if it would be so surprising that I wouldn't tell them, I'm not telling you.

[The appropriate age for having sex] 16. Well, whenever you're ready. But I don't think people under 16 should.

[The first time you had sex, you were how old] 16.

[Your most recent lie] Uh...

[A lie you tell yourself] Most of the things I tell myself are lies.

[A drug or alcoholic beverage you take on a regular basis] I don't take either on a regular basis.

[If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to] You should rephrase that to "no negative side effects" cause if there were no side effects at all, it wouldn't be worth it. :p

[What would your reaction be if your spouse or partner cheated on you] No idea.

[A time you purposely hurt someone emotionally] I think I use to/still do that to Adam to make him not like me.

[Which of your parents do you strongly resemble] Mom.

[Something your parents did that you have never forgiven] I'm not one to not forgive.

[A trait you do not share with your siblings] Her laziness.

[Your 3 best qualities] I'm extremely self-disciplined. I'm optimistic, for the most part. I do the opposite of what people tell me to do, therefore, I never give in to peer pressure.

[Your 3 worst qualities] Introvert. Fear of rejection. I have an addictive personality.

[3 words that describe how others view you] Quiet. Mysterious. Innocent.

[A special compliment that made you blush] Most compliments make me blush.

[The animal that best describes you] Kitten.

[The greatest amount of physical pain you ever endured] When I broke my elbow. Though the pain of a lonely heart is somewhat worse.

[Your best physical feature] Eyes and stomach.

[Your dream] To find my soulmate.

[If you had the talent or the opportunity, you would] Become a musician/musical artist. Or a marine biologist.

[Something you wish you could learn at the snap of your fingers] How to play any instrument.

[Something you wish you could change about your life] Nothing.

[You want to retire at this age] I plan on dying before I need to retire.

[How do you plan to spend that last years of your life] In Kona, Hawaii.

[How would you like to spend the last few minutes of your life] Listening to music somewhere beautiful and with someone amazing.

[At your funeral, you want people to remember you as] however they choose to remember me.

[Something you dreamed that later happened or turned out to be true] Never happened.

[The emotion you tend to hide the most] Mostly any negative emotions.

[The emotion you seem to experience the most] Lately, depression.

[A moment you achieved absolute happiness] There's been a few, but most I don't want to share.

[A piece of music that makes you sentimental]

[When you are happy, you need] Music.

[When you are sad, you need] Music.

[When you are angry, you need] Music, a punching bag, and a cigarette.

[When you are lonely, you need] Company.

[When you are in love, you need] ...

[The last time you cried uncontrollably was when] A couple nights ago.

[A moment in your life when your emotions froze and you felt absolutely nothing] Many times.

[Your earliest memory] My 4th birthday party.

[Describe your first paying job] It wasn't a realy job, but I got paid for babysitting Paityn in high school since I couldn't get job cause I had to watch her. It was mostly a nightmare.

[Describe your best paying job] Osh Kosh. Not much to describe. It's boring.

[You are haunted by the memory of] Him.

[A person who was exceptionally kind to you] :) He could have made me feel like I was nothing and then tossed me aside, but he was the only guy who every treated me like a girl should be treated, even though I'm sure he knew he didn't have to.

[A person who made you miserable for a long time] I'll give you one guess.

[Your greatest fear] Being alone forever.

[A crime or natural disaster you were a victim of] Nothing? Well, I've been a victim of theft and a drive-by.

[A sickness or disease you fear] What sickness/disease is there that no one fears?

[A reason for which you would seriously contemplate suicide] No comment.

[When people first meet you, you are afraid they will think] I'm weird and awkward. I mean, I am, but I don't want them to think that.

[Your greatest fear about aging] Bring old.

[Your greatest fear about marriage] That I'll get divorced.

[Your greatest fear about having children] Morning sickness, child birth, and gaining weight.

[Something on your mind you are afraid to share] Which is why I'm not sharing it.

[The largest age difference you have had in a relationship] I only have sexual relationships. So, five years.

[Who was younger] Me. Always.

[Something someone said or did that you found extremely attractive] Sometimes someone just has to exist.

[Something someone said or did that you found frighteningly unattractive] Oh, DM. You say stupid things.

[A physical trait you find attractive] Wrists!

[An intellectual ability you find attractive] Sarcasm. It does take quite a bit of intellect.

[A personality trait you find attractive] Not extremely extrovert, but quiet and mellow with extrovert qualities. I realize I make no sense.

[You are irritated when people ask you] If I wear contacts.

[You love it when people ask you] Where did you get your haircut? Cause then I can tell them I cut it myself.

[Your longest grudge] I don't hold grudges.

[A type of person you don't seem to get along with] A lot of girls, in general.

[You and your spouse or partner argue about this issue often] N/A

[What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship] N/A

[What you dislike most about having a committed relationship] N/A

[Your sexiest feature] Stomach/hipbones and collarbone.

[A place where you've always wanted to make love] A ferris wheel. Haha. The kind that are circle with a table in the middle and a partial wall on the sides. Like the big ass one at Fiesta Texas.

[A wonderful place where you have made love] Just being in this one guy's bed with him made it a wonderful place.

[A strange place where you have made love] A car parked in a barn. With horses in it.

[A special place on your body that, when kissed or touched, feels unbelievably good] Well there is one place that comes to mind.... I like when a guy kisses my stomach though. It makes me feel giddy, which is an unbelievably good feeling.

[An unfulfilled fantasy] ...

[A fulfilled fantasy] ...

[A fragrance that reminds you of someone with whom you have been intimate] Just the scent of them.

[The most perverted situation you have ever been in] The last time I had sex. I'm not going into detail, but I will say that "technically" it could be seen as rape. But not enough to say I was actually raped.

[The approximate number of sexual partners you have had] Four. I don't like to count one of them though because we were only going at it for like a minute, no one came, and then we stopped because of people being around.

[The largest age difference between you and a sexual partner] Five years.

[Who was younger] Me.

[The first time you achieved orgasm] Uh...I think only once when he who shall not be named went down on me for the first time.

[You feel most attractive when] I'm in a bra and panties.

[Sex is] Bliss.


[If you could change one law] Allow gay marriage.

[If you could erase one memory] Ugh.

[If you could bring one person back from the dead] I'm not going to mess with the dead. I don't want to bring anyone back to this hell.

[If you could start all over] I wouldn't.

[Your current philosophy] There's no point in life but to exist.

[Something you learned this week] My work schedule?

[Your most important goal right now] Six pack. And stick with my work out/eating habits. I usually keep it going for a few weeks, then I'll go backward for a week or two.

[The best word to describe your love life] Existence.

[The best word to describe your job] Boring.

[Your biggest obstacle right now] ?

[The last person you said "I love you' to] Paityn.

[A piece of wisdom you would pass on to a child] Do what you want when you want to and because you want to. Then when people tell you to do/try something (peer pressure) you'll say no because you like doing things that you want to do and in your own time. That's how I've always been. And I'm pretty good for the most part on making good choices concerning things that will be bad for me.

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