May 14, 2007 17:17
I haven't smoked in FOUR days.
Not because I'm quitting.
Because my sis's car has been in the shop so I couldn't go get any.
And today I finally can.
I KNOW I shouldn't. It would be so easy to just quit cause I've been ok without them, not that I haven't craved them.
But I just want one, which will make me want more.
Plus, what's the point when as soon as I'm in Austin in a couple weeks, I'll be smoking.
As well as all the other times I go this summer, and when I move back.
PS: Lamar was just on the news because this guy who was in a Jewish concentration camp was talking to the students.
I swear, I did not see one white student in the auditorium.
It was so unreal. And amusing.