Apr 01, 2007 11:23
Haven't posted in a bit, but that's only because I feel the inspiration to do so after reading the posts of others, and there haven't been a whole bunch lately...
But anywho, this is a message to all the Highschool Seniors (and College Freshman that haven't done so already):
For the Love of Your Image, go to your college campus library within the first few weeks of school and learn how to use EVERYTHING.
Yesterday was one of the most embarassing experiences I have had in a while...(Although, maybe it was only embarassing for me because I don't like having to ask questions when in a foreign place, and also because a college student is expected to know how to use the damn library...)...I was looking online for periodicals for my enormously massive English project (I needed 6, and I only found 3 off of the Hayfield site), so I checked the UMW site. It said it had all these lovely periodicals available, but I couldn't find the link to find them. So I wandered on over to the Smpson Library on campus and started poking around. Finally I realized, "I'm so lost. I need help." And I asked this mousy little guy how I would go about finding periodicals (I meant, in the library, but he assumed I meant in general - like, online, too - but I just went with it, he was taking time to help me, after all). Turns out, I was right - they WEREN'T online, they were there in the library, but NOT on paper ... THEY WERE IN MICROFICHE!!!
For those of you that don't know (like I didn't), Microfiche and Microfilm are these tiny tiny itty bitty pictures of magazine articles that they put about 20 or so of onto these little sheets of film. You put them into this machine (sort of like the little Mickey Mouse binocular toys where you can see all the Disney images by looking into it, except this machine is way less fun, and about the size of my car), and they showed me how to project the microfiche into big readable images, and then PRINT THEM!!! So now I have a bunch of glorious reading to do to get ready to write my paper, and I know how to use the library's archive of periodicals.
And having learned how to do all of this AFTER my intense swing dance practice, I felt most accomplished. Jenni came to get me to go to dinner with her and Maxine last night at Outback, it was so nice seeing my sister again...I miss her so much...
And I realized how much I really don't like being alone. Natalie went to visit her boyfriend in Farmville, and a lot of my friends were going out to parties or getting drunk in their rooms, so I was left to read by myself...and I kept freaking myself out. The noises in here just bother me sometimes. I think over the past 17-ish years I grew so comfortable with having my sister around that having Natalie in the room was an easy transition, but I think when I don't have anyone sleeping in the same room as me I get a little bothered...
Also, when I don't have a plan laid out for what I have to do for the day, I don't get up as early...I hate that...I was supposed to get up at about 8:30 or 9:00 so I could do my reading, but I didn't get up until 11:00, so now I have a rough start to the day...
Gotta keep reading n stuff until 3:00, cuz I have more swing practice...Next week is going to be a pain in my butt...
More later...