The lawnmowing saga continues

Sep 01, 2014 19:35

So, the next stage of the great lawnmowing saga.

(Up until now it's gone guy-on-the-second-floor-who-used-to-do-it moved out -> we agreed to hire someone to do it this year -> I hired a guy -> he got into the Carpenter's Union and stopped mowing lawns -> the guy who he sold his contracts to called to introduce himself to me -> upon being called a couple of weeks later to ask when he was going to show up he said he hadn't bought our contract, oh yes, he remembered talking to me, he just couldn't do it at that price, would I like him to come out and do a new estimate? -> I wrote about eight different angry and/or snotty emails that I didn't send -> I hired a new guy -> he managed to drive his lawnmower off of the side of the lot and break it (the lot is elevated)).

I text the new guy to say, hey, do you need me to charge up our trimmer. (Deleted from the above account: his broken trimmer). He gets back to me saying I'd like to come out Wednesday, and by the way I didn't tell you, but last time the grass was so thick that I spent six hours there mowing, and so I'm going to need an extra $20 to do the job.

Most of you have not seen my lawn. Some of you have, and are making an extremely skeptical face right now. The only way that you could spend six hours mowing this lawn is if you did it with scissors. So either he's thinking of the wrong place, or he is lying and lying in a stupid way, which I have no patience for at all.

I have replied saying that I find it difficult to believe you're talking about my property, are you maybe thinking of somewhere else? Because if not, I am calling bullshit and tracking down a third person to do the job.

Contractors, GOD.


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