Vid recs?

May 02, 2014 13:20

Recommend some vids for the Childhood show I'll be doing at this year's Vividcon!

This isn't one of those times where I have half the show programmed already - I do have a couple of vids I already know I want to include, but I'm really open to suggestions. Some of the slots I'm considering:

-- Horror - The Exorcist, Children of the Corn, whatever.

-- Animation. I'd really like an Avatar vid - probably Avatar proper rather than Korra, though I could be convinced otherwise. Or something by Miyazaki - I have a sweet My Neighbor Totoro vid on deck, but I'm not wedded to it.

-- A live-action kids' show - Sesame Street, maybe?

-- A coming-of-age movie - I'm thinking Stand by Me, My Girl, Akeelah and the Bee, that kind of thing.

-- Crime-fighting kid sidekick, which realistically is probably going to be Robin, though I suppose you could do, like, Penny from Inspector Gadget or something. (If someone finds me a good Penny from Inspector Gadget vid I will totally show it. Though I do actively want a Robin vid.)

-- Live-action kid adventure - Escape to Witch Mountain, ET. Or, ooo, Sarah Jane Chronicles, that's always fun.

(side note: I am looking at "kids' science fiction movies" lists right now and I am VERY SUSPICIOUS of any list of movies aimed at children that includes 2001. VERY SUSPICIOUS.)

-- Something international. You know, the kind of thing that wins foreign film Oscars and it's about a little French moppet and it's called The Blue Rose or whatever? Like that, though preferably not European. It doesn't have to be a moppet specifically, either. You know what I mean. My brain keeps inexplicably throwing up the suggestion "something Iranian!" which seems oddly specific but whatever, doesn't hurt to mention it.

-- Fantasy - Neverending Story, Game of Thrones, early years Harry Potter.

-- There's got to be something good out there where the footage comes from one of those toddler-focused shows that are incredibly trippy to an adult. A Teletubbies vid or something. (I know, I know, referencing Teletubbies is showing my age.)

-- Sitcom? I don't know, one of those Disney Channel shows, or a family sitcom - again showing my age, I'm thinking The Cosby Show, Home Improvement, that kind of thing.

-- Does Bollywood do kids' movies? It must, right? Google says yes.

-- Something where the POV character is an adult? Where the child is the object rather than the subject. (Not in a horrifying way, please.)

-- I would be open to a vid totally or partially *made by* a child, though in that case highschoolers definitely don't count.

I want to keep the average age pretty young - I'm open to a few vids featuring teenagers, particularly kids in their early teens, but not a bunch. I encourage self-promotion! Suggestions that don't fall into one of the above categories are also welcome - I leaned heavily on media aimed at children, but I'm totally fine with the kind of fandoms you see more commonly at Vividcon, it's just that they don't often have child characters that are prominent enough to be vidded.

fandom, vid recs

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