In case anyone missed
the post, registration and con dates are out for Vividcon, yay! Midnight cut-and-pasting, here I come.
I've inexplicably woken up three nights in a row with a tense neck, which is irritating me, because it's usually a signal of something going on emotionally but actually I feel pretty great. I have energy! I'm making slow but steady unpacking progress! I actually cleared out my personal inbox! Mostly. To the extent that it was possible, anyway.
I do need to find my winter boots, though, because I can't keep getting this lucky with snow falling in such a way that I don't have to shovel. I Know They're Here Somewhere. I'm also more and more sure that my first house project is going to have to be getting someone in here to do an energy audit, because there's a really alarming cold spot right between my bed and the exterior wall, and I'm thinking perhaps the insulation is lacking. Or possibly non-existent, it's an old house.
Let's see, what am I watching right now... essentially nothing at home, because my fall and winter of "not really feeling the whole TV thing" is continuing, and plus I haven't hooked up the Tivo yet. (There's a whole list of things that have to happen first, and again, meh, I haven't really been feeling it.) Group watching has been:
Arrow (not actually good, but I give them credit for not dragging things out, and I enjoy Diggle's eyerolling. Also the salmon ladder makes me laugh. Ollie, you could become the first American Ninja Warrior! You don't even have to build a special obstacle course in your backyard.)
Bomb Girls (oh, GLADYS. Gladys, I really am quite fond of you, but you keep doing things that ARE NOT WISE. You need an external brain who grew up with less money. Betty is the obvious choice. Clear all major decisions with Betty beforehand; she will tell you if you're being an idiot.)
The Hour (British McNulty is inherently amusing (yes, I know the actor is actually British, not Baltimorean) but I'm not really into the spy shenanigans. I do think that Bel and Freddie have a really interesting relationship, and I am bracing myself for disappointment about where the show goes with it.)
Justified (so we're doing religion as our focus this year, maybe? I'm all for that - seems like a logical choice of theme. I would really like Ella Mae to get out alive and maybe with a nice job in a warehouse somewhere, but I'm not holding my breath. I'm also worried about Art, now that there are retirement noises being made. DON'T YOU DARE HURT ART, SHOW. ART IS MY FAVORITE.)