
Mar 28, 2012 20:06

So I have totally gotten out of the habit of collecting for quotedump, but I have a bunch of older stuff that I never posted, so:



So, I went into the pretentious, not-as-overpriced-as-you'd-expect, local pet store yesterday to get more cat food. Leifur's inclined to start pulling his fur out when I feed him stuff with too much grain, so I've been shelling out for the better stuff. On the way to the shelf with the better stuff I saw an endcap with rabbit-based cat food. My first thought: Just in time for Easter! My second thought: I may not be an entirely nice person. --calligrafiti

The book I am currently reading cites a book called Suicide by Cop: Committing Suicide by Provoking Police to Shoot You.

I don't know which is worse, the "no shit!" factor, or the way that the use of second person suggests that it's an instruction manual. --rachelmanija

Oh shit I have been in fandom 13 years. When I say "These kids today!" I might literally be referring to kids not yet born when I discovered fandom. --veejane

Man, I love fandom, but I was not prepared for Narnia fandom, where they give you theological concrit. -cofax7

I remember fondly the time my mother tried to cure my depression by making me watch the Secret. That was the year I ruined Christmas. --hey_legousa

I do wonder -- we've seen overall that equivalent types of mass swap, not just amounts of mass. Which is unfortunate! Because I had a really cool scheme for smuggling gold. Then again, if a dead body can trade with a live one, then I could presumably smuggle raw meat as long as I dressed it in pants. --vee_fic on Fringe

-I honestly can't tell you how much more I enjoyed this once I realized it wasn't actually going to be a The One About the Underground Cage Fighting Ring Episode. I haven't been spoiler-free this seasons, but I didn't read more than a quick synopsis and the title of this, and that was ages ago. Guys, seriously, I was dreading the Underground Cage Fighting Ring Episode, and debating whether I might just give this week a pass. You know what kind of episode I'm talking about, right?

-Anyway, now I find out the title is actually from 1970s softcore porn, so we can all relax. I can't explain it, but something about that whole thought process essentializes my experience in this fandom. --tripoli8 on Caged Heat

I was scared for Bobby, too. I'm always scared for Bobby!! Being scared for him is like a hallmark of watching the show now. It's a race: will Bobby get to the end??? I sure as hell hope so. I like my TV and don't want to break it. --destina on Road to Samarra

The Seven Dwarves don't have names that hang well together. They're all Hiccupy and Foolishly and something else that ends with a Y, but is also an ordinary word. Whereas, with Tolkiens' dwarves, my real problem is not turning them into reindeer:

On Bifur! On Bofur! On Bombur and Fili!
Go Oin and Gloin and Thorin and Kili!
(And so forth.) --vehemently

Add all the semi-compulsory socializing that goes on this time of year (I've been to 3 work functions in the last 10 days) and I'm well past irritable and approaching "ready to go off like an uncovered blender." --forodwaith

I have received Feldubian Plague for the holidays and spent Christmas whispering and squeaking into my Gramma's ear. Sig played my translator and when he left my side to have his own conversations I was reduced to smiling and nodding beatifically.

Then I saved Christmas.

When Sig's mom was opening the pre-heating gas oven to change the racks for the roast turkey pan, I saw a ball point pen slide off the counter and into he oven. "Ack!" I said. "There's a pen in the oven!" What they heard was, "...!!!..." ::handflap:: So I tried to make like Lassie but they looked at me he way you look at Lassie if Lassie were trying to enact the results of a ball point pen combusting in the oven and spraying flaming ink on he holiday trukey, which is to say, with a moment of consternation followed by a silent discussion between Sig and his Mom about the narcotic effects of those throat lozenges I'd been chain-sucking for the last 12 hours. So I tried pointing and looking into the oven with great seriousness and attention. "Yes," they said. "The turkey will be delicious.". "Flames!" I shouted inaudibly. "Pen. In. The. Oven.". Sig followed my emphatically pointing finger and said, "Oh my gosh, mom, there's a pen in he oven!" and then there was a round of "A what?" "A pen " "A hen?" ( please note that I was trapped behind the table and could not get to the pen myself) but then finally she saw the pen and that's how I saved Christmas.

Now, if I could get people to stop talking either very slowly or very loudly at me--I've lost my voice, not my cognitive abilities--all will be fine. --troyswann

Nothing says Merry Christmas! like Fuck-or-Die action figures. -ignipes

Bra’tac is surprisingly optimistic for a guy whose usual plans include death, but after all the Jaffa are free. --kedd on Threads

Those neurons do not need to be excited, ever again. I m going to leave them to take the Alzheimer's plaque rather than neurons I NEED. --my_tallest on cartoon theme songs

There is always time for hot dogs. They last up to a year in the freezer! Not that we'll have freezers when we are evacuating from the zombie infested population centres. --barkley

I will admit that I find the idea of pro-democracy Tunisian activists on /b/ simultaneously hilarious, inspiring, and disturbing. Modern life is more like mid-90s Grant Morrison comics than I was expecting. --sara

14. Where's your tattoo/Where would you like a tattoo? It would be on the inside of my right wrist and it would say, "Breathe." This is to remind me not to punch people in their heads in airports. --troyswann

In a way she totally lost Orac, and didn't win, but in another way she is Servalan, so it's more that she hasn't won yet. The whole of Blakes 7 can be seen as Servalan having not won yet. --jekesta

I was staring at the cheeses in the grocery store tonight when a woman said, "HELLO"!" right in my ear. I turned around to say, "Hello" to her, but it turns out she was on a cell phone. Then she said, "Can you wake him?" "So he's not moving at all?" "Well, if you can't wake him, then can you get my bra on the chair next to the sofa? That's all I care about." (The guy with the woman cared about whether un-wakeable man would be able to get to work tonight.)

I am just kind of at a loss as to what circumstances prompt you to have a conversation like that. --barkley

Enough ice to close the office, but not enough to kill my power supply-perfect! --calligrafiti

And now, I am putting in the nbsp's to make my two spaces show up. Screw LJ and the space taking software they rode in on. Look, I just triple spaced. It was awesome. --barkley

I love Elizabeth Burke. In fact, I watched (most of the first season of) White Collar because of her. I just couldn't get over how much all the stories I read in the fandom and all the people watching the show seemed to like her. I kept not finding the story where it turns out Elizabeth is a scheming evil bitch - and bitch is surely the term that would be used to describe her - who has sex with, like, all of Peter's enemies, and also secretly gets Neal sent back to prison because he's too interesting to her husband and too pretty or loyal or whatever, but then fortunately Peter finds out and pushes her under a subway train and fucks Neal right there in the station while they're watched by the glassy eyes of her severed head. (If that story exists I DON'T WANT TO KNOW ABOUT IT, please. Or any version of it. Let me stay in my happy everyone-loves-Elizabeth world, okay? Please?) Eventually, I had to find out more about this show, where half of the main slash pairing could be married to a woman and the fannish result was not a lot of She's Dead, Let's Fuck stories, but rather a lot of She's Awesome, Let's All Fuck stories.

I like She's Awesome, Let's All Fuck stories. And not just because I have an aversion to sex in close proximity to severed heads. --thefourthvine

It always amuses me when the hair and make-up department's sole concession to a post-apocalyptic environment is to use slightly less mascara. -rheanna27

Ah ha ha. You guys remember how, back in 2008, the republican party became convinced I was a voter in Somewheresville, Florida named Shannon? Guess what: Shannon's a real person, and she really lives in Florida, and she's pretty interested in (or maybe just had) a chin implant.

Her doctor just emailed me the photos. --veejane

"I read a piece of writing and within a paragraph or two I know whether it is by a woman or not."

I am imagining his test as somewhat of a reverse Bechdel Test. If a book has two women talking about something other than a man, he throws it out the window of a moving car while screaming 'Femnazis!' at the top of his lungs. -boundbooks on V.S. Naipaul

Never do I feel more like a vampire then when I am sucking the juice and marrow out of orange wedges. -wishfulaces

When I was in elementary school in the 50s they told me that some day I would fight Russian tyranny. I had almost given up hope. -supergee on staying on LJ

We are going through some trials in the parenting department, at the moment. On the upside, I have the support of many geeky people who love both me and my offspring. For example, this conversation with my Mini Me at church recently:

H: So is the small one still having all those napping and sleeping issues?

ME: Yeah, I think his little brain is trying to level up and it's affecting his ability to nap, which results in exhaustion and tantrums and fighting me on everything.

H: Well, if he's trying to level up, fighting you is a very reasonable way to go about it. You are, after all, the Boss.

ME: Heh. He's just trying to raise his XP.

H: Exactly. Level Bosses are great for XP, if you can defeat them.

ME: Little does he know that for the next eighteen years, I am the Boss at the end of every level. --kalquessa

All I can say is... SPIDERMAN + NESTORIAN HERESY = WIN! --loligo

I just wish we could stop putting every single thing up for Proposition, though...before long there'll be a Proposition to ask if Mayor Lt Gov Newsom can pick his nose while in the State House. --joncwriter on California politics

But if there were crying and hugging at some point, I could forgive much. The train left my dignity at the station, like, years ago, SPN. Your move. --tripoli8

The thing that grates on my nerves in S9 (besides the whole Ori plotline, which I don't think really works) is Daniel, who's being a pain in the ass for reasons that are never really explored. Talk about your feelings or stop making that face like you ate a lemon, Daniel. --penknife

We were out and about and had a lovely excellent dinner (Mu Shu Chicken ftw) and then Sig found the perfect pair of shorts and aloha shirt and THEN we were wandering along looking in windows and this drunk guy LURCHES out at this innocent passer-by and his girlfriend/date/sister and thrusts his hand out and says something like, "You're him, you know, him. From the thing. I'm sorry I can't remember your name." And so, because of the lurching, we looked up at the unfortunate passer-by and and AND

And Alex O'Loughlin stops and shakes the guy's hand and says, "My name's Alex," and chats nicely with the drunk guy and Sig and I walk on a few steps and I turn to Sig and say in an intense whisper while wearing a rather hysterically pleased grin, "OMG THAT WAS STEVE MCGARRETT!" And Sig says, "You have independent confirmation because I totally recognized him too!" And then I laughed and laughed and LAUGHED because ever since I set foot on this island I've been joking about how maybe I should try j-walking because then maybe I'd get arrested by Steve McGarrett and how I've seen everything on O'ahu but Steve McGarrett and THEN I SAW STEVE MCGARRETT and it was like a self-fulfilling prophesy, and then Sig demonstrated how he is the best fangirl's husband ever by saying, "Do you want to go back down the street so you can walk past Steve McGarrett again?" and I said, *ENORMOUS GRIN* and we did, but STEVE MCGARRETT had magically disappeared, and Sig said, "His girlfriend/date/sister was pretty. Did you see her?" and I said, "I registered that there was a person there," and then I felt bad but whut, okay? STEVE MCGARRETT.

He seems bigger on tv. --troyswann

Oh god, when Fig suggested above that Daniel would play one of those world-building games, I had a sudden vision of him playing Sims, and actually learning how to communicate in Sim, and spending hours trying to persuade them to want self-governance. --pepper_field

Terriers is very good. It may be the best new show this year. I don't mean "good" as in "bad, but with lesbian ninja robots", I mean actually good. --telepresence

You know what you need? You need the helpful fridge magnets the Australian government sent out after 9/11, reminding us to be Alert But Not Alarmed.

Has there been a terrorist attack in Australia? No. Do you know why? FRIDGE MAGNETS. --lizbee

I'm contemplating a Cynic's Version of the Psalms.

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like a freaking miracle, that's what it is like. --resonant8

Christ, Athena is such a big wierdo. Always like, hiding up in your rafters Watching You Battle--she's the Ceiling Cat of ancient Greece. --x_los

And then, the Gothic reveal...

MAXIM: They have found Rebecca's body and now our lives are over!
ME: Yes! Reveal yourself as an axe murderer! Narrator, flee in terror!
MAXIM: Everyone will know... I KILLED REBECCA!
ME: *chortles*
MAXIM: She was horrid! She cheated on me! And then she was going to have someone else's baby and raise it as mine!
ME: Oh Gothics, your misogyny never changes, does it? Come on, narrator, bash him over the head and flee for the moors!
NARRATOR, also known as MRS. DE WINTER II, or MDW2: Oh Maxim! You poor dear!
ME: ?
MDW2: We'll cover it up! They can't tear us apart!
ME: ... I think you missed the part about him murdering his wife?
MDW2: Don't worry, you poor thing! We can handle this!
ME: O_o --oyceter on Rebecca

I must be feeling better about tap class because last night I dreamed I was going to a recital but ALAS! I forgot my tap shoes! But no! They were right there in my bag! But NO! I ruined my tights! But it's okay! None of the other dancers are wearing tights! It was like the opposite of an anxiety dream. --troyswann

Did you know that buying lots of healthy vegetables does not somehow cause those vegetables to magically appear on your plate, all prepared and ready to be eaten? It's true!

This message brought to you by the crisper drawer of my fridge.) --loligo

BSG: Shooting diversity in the stomach, one character at a time. --harlequinaide

I really have to stop assuming that people mean the author and playwright; it has been near 40 years. Who writes fanfic about The Cherry Orchard? --onyxlynx on Star Trek's Chekov

I mean, come on, we geeks tended to be the kind of kids who needed, upon being told to go play with others, to have someone to explain to us what game is being played, how to play it, what the relevant social shibboleths are, and if there's a book we can use to study up on it. We knew the word Shibboleths. --tam_nonlinear

It's rather difficult to catch a live rat in a toilet, I found. -mikeniko

My dog ALWAYS wants to do whatever is going, so long as the suggestion starts with, "Toby, you wanna...?" The answer is always yes, even if I said, "Toby, you wanna swim to the moon and eat ontology and wear a sequined leisure suit?" Yes, he would say with his ears. Yes, I am for it. I am for ontology on the moon and sequined leisure suits. Let us go do these things RIGHT NOW. --troyswann


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