
Dec 01, 2010 20:37

He's not only the world's greatest musician, but is universally appreciated as such by strangers... but he nearly staaaarves, and then he puts himself in debt to a magician who could kill him, because it doesn't occur to him for several hundred pages to try busking! --rachelmanija on The Name of the Wind

(I have also never played I Never, which... huh. Am I missing something? Surely it all ends in vomiting and awkwardness, rather than the awesome unabashed sex of fanfiction.) --tevere

While watching Run With Me (AKA, the Awesome River Song Vid of Awesome), Lily wandered up to stare at it (as is her wont) and asked the following:

"What are you watching?"

"Well, it's Vividcon weekend, so there are lots of shiny new vids out, so I'm watching a vid."

"What's a vid?"

"It's a transformative work, using video clips and music to say something about a source. Sort of a video essay."

"Oh." (Child wanders off to continue her one-person Cat Wings RPG.)

And then it occurs to me, not for the first time, Jeebus, I really am raising my kid so she can find her ideal life partner at Comicon, aren't I? --minim_calibre

I am so glad I have others with whom I can discuss the awesomeness of Stringer Bell. It is possible there might be fanfic, along the lines of "No no no, motherfucker, you raise your hand first, and then you get recognized. Aint no just get recognized without you raise your hand."

Robert's Rules of Order is always better with a few motherfuckers thrown in. --veejane

Also, if Roman women on TV had to wear what Roman women actually wore, many many TV producers would be very saddened. I mean, yes, this is the Late Republic, but I have a feeling that there was actually a lot less Random Upper-Class Nudity involved in the fall of the Republic than most TV producers seem to think. --vaznetti

I am used to reading outside my canonical knowledge zone, but Doctor Who takes this to a new level. It's just daunting. I mean, Doctor Who has so much canon that the BBC lost some of it. This doesn't happen with your average canon. (Of course, if the average canon is TV aired on Fox, it doesn't happen because there's only 12 episodes of it. Much easier to keep track of.) -thefourthvine

Back in the control room, Jack confesses to Sam about Mary Steenburgen. Then he asks her why Bregman is there, setting up some exposition from Sam. One-thousandth trip through the gate, yada yada. Jack thinks there should be cake. Someday, Jack will sit up at his own funeral and ask for cake. --nandamai

The news on the radio creates its own kind of contradictory responses as the very calm and distant-sounding young woman reporting for the ministry relates in a calm and very distant-sounding way that the "wind event" of yesterday has created "very aggressive and unpredictable" active fire behaviour--level 6, in fact, which is the highest. It's like that calming voice on the intercom telling you to proceed in an orderly fashion to the exit opposite the rampaging pack of velociraptors. Thank you for your co-operation. Have a nice day. --troyswann

Hemingway certainly perfected the 'I can outfish outfuck and outfight any sissy non-writer' thing - Heinlein just added a slide rule. --kore

random, reading, the wire, doctor who, fandom, stargate sg-1

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