I haven't watched any of SGU, but I saw someone out on friendsfriends linking to a Daniel-containing promo for tonight's episode, so I watched the clip. In which Rush-the-obnoxious-scientist suggests the SGC name a scientific project ICARUS.
I had heard this name bandied about in context of SGU before, but for some reason it didn't strike me until now. Icarus? ICARUS? What is WITH these people and the Greek tragedies? At least Prometheus did something useful before being chained to a rock and eaten alive! Odysseus was stuck wandering around the Mediterranean for fifteen years and got all of his crew killed, but at least he got home! Icarus just doesn't listen, acts like a dumbass, and falls to his death!
Honest to God, NO ONE in that organization has a lick of sense when it comes to naming things. I have no sympathy at all for any tragic outcomes that ensue.