Timestamp fic

Mar 12, 2010 18:29

Give me one of my own stories, and a timestamp sometime in the future after the end of the story, or sometime in the past before the story started, and I'll write you at least a hundred words of what happened then, whether it's five minutes before the story started or ten years in the future.

Most of my fic is here, though there are probably a few more recent things under my "fic" tag that never got uploaded. Yuletides, pretty much.

Irritatingly, I have left my chili at work, it's too far away for me to retrieve it, and I think the only vaguely dinner-like food I have in the house is a can of soup that I've been eyeing for months in regret that now that I own it, it doesn't really look all that yummy. Maybe I'll order Chinese. I think there's a place around here that actually delivers, though twenty bucks says they won't be able to find the apartment.

fic, random

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