Vividcon vid reviews

Aug 19, 2009 21:50

Playlists with links can be found here.

Elevation, by Andraste (Iron Man): I was afraid I would be distracted thinking about the Queer as Folk Elevation vid where Brian and Justin have sex (and then they have sex some more) because, uh, it's distracting. That vid. But I wasn't! This was a slickly made love letter to a movie with a SUPERHERO who has a SUIT and he can FLY and BLOW STUFF UP and it is COOL, and I really enjoyed it.

Stars, by Keely (Dexter): So the first time I watched this vid, I spent the entire vid doing two things:

1) Thinking to myself, "Uh, and he's a serial killer. A... serial killer. And now he's... no, apparently he's still an awesome boyfriend... the vidder knows he's a serial killer, right?"

2) Girding myself for the inevitable descent into bloody horror.

So on the one hand, I was glad there was no bloody horror! But just the little drop of blood at the end... I dunno, I don't know how I'd feel about it if I watched the show. As it is, I didn't love it. Though the vid itself is really quite sweet! You know, if Dexter weren't a serial killer. (And I was relieved that the vidder acknowledged that in the end.)

Stricken, by beerbad (Buffy the Vampire Slayer): Buffy Summers Beats Up Everybody! A full-series review of BtVS. Not a lot new here, I didn't think, but competently done and it's always nice to see my girl Buffy.

Legion, by the shimmertwins (Supernatural): Vid focusing primarily on Ruby and her relationships with Sam and Dean. I don't know the show in enough detail or the song with enough clarity to really follow what's going on here, though it clearly didn't end well. (Also, there's a possessed Siler. I said to someone afterward, "Siler was in that Supernatural vid!" and they thought I meant Sylar from Heroes. That would have been creepier, but maybe more expected...)

This Is the Place, by LithiumDoll (Burn Notice): Burn Notice! I was totally psyched to see a Burn Notice vid show up. And then somewhat disturbed by how violent it was. I mean, not in a "naughty vidder, putting all that fighting on the screen" way, but in a "you know, when I watch the episodes it seems... a lot lighter in mood than this."

Poor Michael. I would really like to think that being kind of awful isn't his calling, but I may be wrong about that.

This Place Is Trying to Change Us, by Stacia Yeapanis (Angel): A vid about Angel, Lindsey, and Gunn's relationships with Wolfram & Hart. I'm a little iffy on the song choice, but I did think the vidder transitioned nicely between the sections--this kind of multi-focus vid can often feel choppy to me, and this one didn't.

Welcome to the Real World, by Sammy (Life on Mars): Blinky blinky Life on Mars vid. Didn't do anything in particular for me (though I didn't think it was bad by any means, just a little overly blinky); I defer to people for whom LoM is one of their shows.

Oh My God, by butterfly (Better Than Chocolate): Lesbians in love, at least one of whom is an artist. There's body paint. It's all good.

Beast of Burden, by sweetestdrain (Merlin): About Merlin himself. I don't know the show, so I'll leave it there, other than to say that I agree that the actor playing Merlin is mostly kind of funny-looking, but he does have a nice smile. (A nice, OMG he's quite young really smile. I think I may have passed some kind of age-related watershed, because all I could think during the Merlin vids was OMG babies!)

Bachelorette, by Nicky (Buffy the Vampire Slayer): Buffy Summers in a man's world. The vidder successfully surrounds her with men who are either predatory or disappointing, so that Buffy can rise above in the end; it didn't feel quite fair to me (Xander doesn't appear, for instance, although crying post-wedding-jilting Anya does) but I think the vidder's intent was accomplished. And the song was both Buffyesque and creepy, so.

Unforgiveable?, by Keely (Harry Potter): A Harry Potter vid, ending with a focus on Luna. The singer here has an unusual voice, which I think fit Luna very well. nestra said that she felt the vid missed the point of the song--that Luna is a hopeful figure, and the song is Really Not Hopeful--and going to look at the lyrics, I suppose I agree. That said, it still does work for me listening to it; I didn't know the song previously, and the sort of... gentle resignation, like oh well, life sucks, moving right along, worked for me with this vid and with what I know of Luna as a character.

burn notice, buffy the vampire slayer, angel, movies, television, fandom, vid recs

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