Birthday wishes, comics help, and quotedump

Apr 01, 2009 18:08

1) Happy birthday, telepresence!

2) rheanna27 is looking for comics recommendations, particularly in the standalone graphic novel realm. I figured I must have people on my flist who could help her out with that.


I gravitate toward longer stories because I strongly prefer plot, and I know almost nobody in fandom who can provide plot in less than 5K words. However, when I see a wordcount of more than about 100K, I know I'm looking at somebody who either (a) has a cast of thousands, fighting the full length of World War II, or (b) needs to be beaten with an editor. --vee_fic

I just... if Kripke et al. seriously think that that's hot, there's a fairly significant disconnect here. Reminds me a bit of how fixated Kemper et al. were on the idea of Aeryn Sun being pregnant and making babies with John Crichton. Who says women are over-sentimental? --cofax7

I haven't looked at it for months and months, since their redesign took it from "counter-intuitive and not very useful" to "impossible to use, hideous, overly blinky, and accurately conveying the experience of being trapped in an elevator at a con with forty shrieking teenage fans and their electronic devices." --rachelmanija on the Tokyopop website

There’s a great Go proverb that didn’t make it into the episode but applies nicely: “learn the nuclear tesuji”. That’s a fancy way of saying sometimes the only way to prevent a loss is to get ticked off, destroy the board and beat your enemy senseless. It’s meant in jest, but it’s strangely effective. At the very least, it might make you feel better.

Just ask Sarah Connor. And Skynet… --Ashley Miller on Strange Things Happen at the One Two Point

(Though what would a fitting "Save Our Show" campaign for SCC look like? I have a feeling that it wouldn't involve sending nuts or tabasco sauce or whatever to Skynet FOX, but rather an armed and possibly cyborg-enhanced team taking over the network offices and beating the programming executives into submission.) --cryptoxin

Also, go you on the Yuletide story. I have, er, about 27 words. And a plan! --minnow1212

Again I must ask: how can Mulder and Scully examining each other for potentially alien parasitic worms be so hot?!? --danceswithwords

I find I really sympathize with Sarah's grasping at straws efforts with the three dots. It highlights how little information any of them really have to go on. This is the way she's been operating for the past 16+ years, though: scraps of information, the story of the man who saved her life and fathered her child, trying to kill the hydra of Skynet with scraps of a sword. --pellucid on "Strange Things Happen at the One Two Point"

I was forced to wait two whole days and in that time created an alt character because I wanted to try out the new rune-keeper class. Now she's level 9. I may have a problem.

- (But she calls down LIGHTNING BOLTS on her enemies! I feel like the Emperor. It's awesome.) --sophia_helix on Lord of the Rings Online

I am thinking this confusion could be productively harnessed for those unhappy girls who feel the need to hide their light under a bushel so as not to unsexily surpass the boys--"it is true that aided by testosterone," you would say, "the average male can wrestle six Siberian tigers to a standstill using only one hand. Since you are girls, it will be easier for you to manage your tiger using both arms, and only one tiger at a time." And, uh, and then they would go and do it, and demurely wave off compliments--"It was only girl-style tiger wrestling!" they would say. --cija

Children should be regarded as small, mobile superpositions of infinite potential lawsuits. --maga_dogg

random, terminator, supernatural, fandom, quotedump

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