
Oct 22, 2007 22:06

Yeah, I'm not thrilled with the season so far. Sigh. I can't figure out how much of it is me and how much of it is the show, but I'm rolling my eyes at some of the dialogue and plotlines a lot more than I did last year. Dammit, show, perk up! Have some fun! I'm not asking for originality, just some verve. Superheroes, remember? Superheroes are fun!

The basic bones of the season--the generations angle--I'm interested in that. So the Matt-and-Nathan-and-Matt's-father stuff I was good with, the Mohinder-and-Bob stuff I'm good with, I like Monica and Micah being all "whee I have powers!" adorable, I'm even willing to hold on with the HRG-and-Claire storyline for a while despite West being irritating. At least I can understand what Claire sees in him, while maintaining the hope that I'll get to see her grow out of it. The Maya/Alejandro/Sylar and Peter plotlines, though, eh. (Though Evil Veronica and her scolding not-Keith--I assume!--daddy made me laugh.) For that matter, I'd rather they not do these five-minute updates on Hiro's plotline either, despite my still enormous fondness for Hiro. I mean, he's more than three hundred years in the past. It's not like we need to keep up with him every week so we can keep the timeline straight.

Seriously, why are we watching Peter? Why couldn't he have been saved for sweeps? (I will admit he's much better-looking with the shorter hair, at least.) And Maya and Alejandro had better have an interesting payoff above and beyond Sylar's Evil Roadtrip, The Sequel.

heroes, television, fandom

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