TV etc.

Oct 03, 2007 19:45

I'm not going to be caught up on the Tivo before I leave. Sob! It's the damn war that's doing it. Seriously, it's, what, seven hours a week of World War II? They couldn't have done one episode per week? I'm starting to burn out on artillery fire.

The War: Good in some ways, not so good in others. I've appreciated the discussion of racial issues in the US, particularly the black/white racial issues that don't get covered as much as Japanese-American issues in your basic high school history course, and I always enjoy oral history, even when it kind of creeps me out on occasion. But I have to admit, the things I've spent the most time thinking about are:

1) Which battle is that footage really from? I am unconvinced that it's from the one the voiceover is describing.
2) Sweet zombie Jesus, someone was wandering around those battles with a CAMERA? A film camera?
3) The fact that the Pacific footage reminds me strongly of later Vietnam footage.

On that last, I've been thinking about the extent to which the mid-20th century--say, the 1930s through 1960 or so--are on this weird cusp between "recent history" and "the past" to me. So on the one hand you have footage of marines on Peleliu, where they're wandering around all barechested with bandoliers of ammunition and reminding me strongly of any number of Vietnam pictures/movies. But on the other hand, you have the way that the US does not have complete air superiority, which just feels strange; I keep thinking "for God's sake, get some planes in there to destroy the artillery, you morons!" and then remembering that back then, lots of planes got shot down by the enemy. Which doesn't happen near as much these days.

So I'm charmed by a lot of things about this show, though I'm having to use all of my knot-tying skills to keep my disbelief suspended. I like Chuck, who is actually dorky-yet-charming as opposed to the kind of thing shows like Eureka seem to be trying to sell as dorky-yet-charming. I'm enjoying AB's character; he amuses me. I like the sister, who really does love her brother, as opposed to being the "woe is me, I am saddled with a dork!" type. I like the workplace stuff, limited as it is; it feels more real than the very similar setup in Reaper does to me. (Not realistic, mind you, but... more true, if that makes any sense. I don't spend my whole time thinking "I do not recognize these people as actual people in this context.")

But, well... two related things.

1) Sarah. I actually like Sarah fine. She's capable, she's likable, she's sane, the show has not yet given us any indication that she's ashamed of herself or her work or has gross psychological issues caused by her inability to love or whatever. So the writing doesn't seem to be the problem. The problem is the visuals. Sarah poses in her underwear! Sarah flashes her panties while dressed in a ridiculous corset outfit! Sarah is ogled--a LOT! If I had any confidence AB's character was going to be treated the same way, that'd be one thing, but, well.

2) Morgan. Dear writers: Morgan's behavior toward Chuck's sister is not charming. It is harassment, it is annoying, and honest to God, if the show survives and they get together at some point, I will come to LA and find you and pull your kidneys out through your nose.

1) (Apparently I am all about the numbered lists this evening.) Aw, Claire has the soul of a scientist! I am back to loving her. Also I totally want her to become a geneticist, though I'm not actually holding my breath.

2) I'm mildly disappointed that Yaeko doesn't become Kensei, but what can you do, huh? At least we got sakura of DOOM. (tm oyceter, I believe.) Hiro was adorable with his speeches, though. "You can write it down in your history books!" Plus, he was smart about how he handled things and he took no crap from Kensei and he knows how to ride a horse! I actually totally didn't buy that, but whatever, handwave handwave.

3) Kaito's really dead! Dammit. Ah well.

4) On a related topic, I seriously need a chart or something that shows who's met who. Matt's met Peter and Nathan and Noah and Claire. Oh, and Niki, right? But he has NOT met Ando, nor Hiro?

5) Speaking of Niki, none of her yet. I'm starting to wonder if they're just leaving her out of this chunk of the story and are going to bring her in with another plotline later. That'd be okay with me.

6) Maya: Irritating. I feel bad about that! I mean, to be fair, if I spontaneously started oozing black goo out of my eyes and killing everyone around me, I would probably be a little freaked out too. But I keep want to tell her to get a grip.

7) Yay, Bob the Haitian! I was VERY CONFUSED when Mohinder talked briefly about Bob the Alchemist, and I thought "wait, they actually named The Haitian Bob?" Alas, no.

Have also watched Journeyman (liked more than the average on my flist) and Reaper (amusing so far) and hopefully will get to the pilot of Pushing Daisies before I leave.

heroes, television, chuck

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