Oh, I forgot I meant to post this!

Sep 06, 2007 21:07

Remembered about a month ago that I'd written this, figured it was lost forever because I knew it was a comment fic and I had no memory of where it was, then realized that if someone had replied to it should be able to track it down in my feedback folder. So, here it is. I don't know that I really believe in this Daniel so soon after resolution, but I think it's a cute little scene and I'm fond of it, so.

Set at almost-the-end of Wandering Blind, on the trip back out of New Orleans. PG, basically J/D.



"Will you stop that?"

Jack seemed to consider this question, then said, brightly, "No." He didn't even turn around enough to look at Daniel from his post leaning against the bed, just tossed the ball at the window again.


"You're going to break the window."

"Nope. It'll hold."

Daniel stared at the back of his head, to no avail.


And he was trying to focus, he was, but he'd never been good at working with distractions and even though Dickens wasn't strictly work and at least it was a rhythmic distraction...

"Sam's going to be pissed when you break the window?" Daniel said hopefully, after three more identical throws.

"Not gonna break the window."




"Hey!" Jack snatched at the ball in Daniel's hand and missed, but managed to tackle him from behind. There wasn't much floorspace, and no room to escape, so in a last-ditch effort to remove the ball from play, Daniel sent it spinning forward through the kitchen and toward the front doors. It lost speed on the carpet up front and slowed before the hidden spot Daniel had hoped for; Jack scrabbled after it, Daniel close on his heels, only to be pulled up short by Sam snatching the ball up off of the ground and holding it close against her chest.

"Do I need to pull this boat over?"

"Daniel was bored!"

"I was reading!"

"Fiction, sure. Since when do you read fiction?"

"I read fiction all of the time! Sam, tell him!"

Sam snorted. "Oh, this is so not my fight. The ball is going to live up front with me for a little while, because this adult has to drive." She whipped around on her heel and went back to the captain's chair, shaking her head.

Daniel flopped over onto his back, annoyed. "Thanks a lot."

"Are you or are you not less bored now?" Jack said.

He was a little flushed still from the scramble, hair even more tousled than usual. Daniel smiled with everything but his lips and reached up to push something that was not quite a curl off of Jack's forehead. "Well, my focus has changed, I'll give you that."

When Sam bounced the ball off of Daniel's head five minutes later, it did break the mood briefly, but he really didn't think she had much to complain about. After all, she was the one who hadn't wanted to pull over for play.

fic, sg-1 fanfic, fandom, stargate sg-1

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