Jul 31, 2007 19:37
1) I don't think y'all need another post on "why we shouldn't use words after we're informed that they're offensive" or "um, did you seriously just equate sex between humans of different races with bestiality, WTF?" Instead, a request: Tell me if you're ever offended by something I say. I want to know if I'm being dumb. (And I'd much rather hear it from someone I know than a stranger.)
1a) I have all sorts of interesting thoughts about this conversation as it applies to the soul/academic construction/raison d'etre of fandom, but talking about them would violate my "do not psychoanalyze other fans in public" rule, among others, so.
2) Question: How long do y'all keep paystubs etc. for? I cleaned out my file drawer this past weekend, which is good, because now it opens and closes easily, but didn't quite know what to do with all of the paystubs I have (along with a bunch of medical receipts). Advice? I've never itemized.
This is the sort of question I would usually hit my parents with, but I know that the answer will be "my father has all of his paystubs back to 1973 carefully organized in labeled three-ring binders," and I'm just not up for that.
3) Dear Greek language:
Look, I think it's cute that you've got your own alphabet. And if you want to have both omicron and omega sound like o, fine, we all need our little quirks. But don't you think it's a little excessive to have three letters that sound like ee (iota, ypsilon, and eta)? And the thing about eta looking like an n, while the n sound looks like a v and the v sound looks like a B... you're just messing with me, right? I mean, that's cruel.
Oh, Greek, with your "I had this alphabet when English was barely a gleam in the eyes of its grandparent languages." You're so wacky.