
May 07, 2007 22:24

Now that, I did not like as much as last week.

It was... I mean... it felt a little obligatory, if that makes any sense? Very little of it felt to me like it was flowing naturally, there were a couple of things that struck me as OOC... eh, I don't know. It was okay. Hopefully things will improve next week.

* Sylar's mother reminded me very strongly of someone. I think it was the female lead in Little Shop of Horrors. Really, pretty much that whole thread was kind of blah, saved only by Zachary Quinto's really fairly impressive ability to make me feel kind of bad for a serial killer. Aw, poor sad serial killer! He doesn't want to be a mass murderer! That's a totally different vibe from the one he's going for!

I just... you know, do we have to blame Sylar on his mother? Really? Though I suppose at least it wasn't his father's fault for once.

To be fair, the part where he ended up eating the tuna sandwich anyway cracked me up. And painting the future in her blood, that was evocative. (The Edward Scissorhands moment just made me giggle, I'm afraid.)

* Parts that did flow for me: Micah and Candice, with Micah running back around into the same room again. (Aw, Micah. Sniff.) The Hiro-and-Ando scenes. Sylar calling Mohinder. Mohinder and Molly, surprisingly, though...

* Look, Mohinder, you have a gorgeous smile and you are very cute with little Molly. But you must not use scientific vocabulary, because even as someone who nearly flunked out of molecular biology, I am fairly confident you do not know what you are talking about. Mind you, I did get good entertainment value from picturing vonnie_k flailing around in response, so that was nice.

Unless, of course, I'm wrong, and Mohinder could totally reverse Molly's wacky virus because he, um, genetically possessed the antibodies... that would... kill the virus... no, you know what? I'll trust actual knowledgeable people if they disagree, but I'm fairly certain I'm not wrong.

* Also, if Mohinder likes Molly, does that mean she's evil?

* Claire's losing me a little here--I miss the grumpy, proactive Claire who ran a rapist into a wall at 80 miles per hour. I don't think it's OOC for her to be a little overwhelmed at the moment, but still, I miss the old version. I guess my point here is that I'm all for giving her firearms, and I hope she ends up being able to take some sort of decisive, non-dithery action. Hopefully not shooting Peter, because I think that would make her sad.

I do have hopes. She was a little snippy with Peter. Go, Claire!

* Speaking of OOC... I do not believe for one moment that Jessica would have just stood there staring into a mirror while knowing that Linderman had Micah. The one thing that she and Niki always agreed on was how important Micah was to them; I'd much rather have seen her going to find DL and recruit him into Micah-saving than the scene we got.

I'm also a little iffy on that scene at the end with Angela and Nathan, basically because I am still not on board with the idea that anyone who is within shouting distance of sane would entertain this plan for a moment. So inasmuch as I'm expected to assume that they are taking the let's-save-the-world-by-blowing-up-Manhattan plan seriously--which it seems that I am--then wow, they have just completely lost my sympathy and, indeed, my ability to take them seriously as actual human characters. (Angela could have been Candice, of course, but even if she was... Nathan, seriously, dude, what are you thinking? You do not seem quite megalomaniacally evil enough to go for this!)

ETA: I will give Angela an out if the speculation about this being the second runthrough of the timeline for her turns out to be correct. I can imagine a variant of that situation where this would seem like a good idea to her in that case.

* Hi, Heidi! Bye, Heidi! Hope to see you again soon, Heidi! Don't get blown up! Also, I think you might want to consider a divorce. See above, RE: Nathan.

heroes, television, fandom

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