I was in such a good mood!

Apr 24, 2007 17:51

For multiple days! And now it's gone, and I'm only middling. I have to spend the next two days trying to qualify for a certification that I am fairly certain I'm not going to be able to get, in a context where lots of people will get to stand around and watch me fail, so by Friday I should be miserable.

Yes, yes, I create my own feelings and failures by not Thinking Right. I know.

1) Because I'm dumb, I completely missed the part where Nathan was unwilling to let Peter die for Linderman's plan, but was considering letting New York die for it. I'm... I have trouble with that. You have to be either seriously depraved or profoundly idealistic, the kind of idealistic that meets up with depraved on the other side, to go through with that kind of plan, and frankly I don't think that Nathan is either of those things.

2) You know, given the steadily less multi-racial nature of the show's cast--which, irritating, because I really liked that about the show--you know who should have been played by a non-white actor? Candace. It would have made perfect sense; there would have been so much room opened up, either in actual plot or in metaphor, for stories about passing and assimilation and what it would be like to be faced with that kind of choice. Sure, it's Mystique all over again, but a) that's what the show is anyway and b) I think stepping away from "blue and spiky" would have increased the emotional resonance.

Ah well.

3) I've seen it suggested that Angela Petrelli's power (apparently her name is Angela?) is precognitive dreams, because we saw Peter display that power first. That could just as easily have been his father's power, though, if both of his parents had powers (or, indeed, either of them, though having them be powerless seems unlikely at this point). Angela doesn't read to me like someone who has any particular clue what's coming; I mean, I suppose she could just dream precognitively about what she's going to have for lunch on Friday, but otherwise you'd think she'd have been a little more het up about the impending doom.

The idea that one of the senior Petrellis might have been precognitive does put an interesting spin on Mr. Petrelli's death, though; maybe he just couldn't take it anymore, or didn't want to see it happen, and really did kill himself? I mean, his wife did say he'd had a mental illness, and you'd think a lifetime of precog that you can't change would tend to be depressing--heck, it's in some ways almost the definition of depression, isn't it? A prediction of bad things to come, and despair that those bad things are unavoidable. (If it's Angela who was a precog, I'm all for her having murdered her husband in order to set necessary events in motion. Okay, I'm not really, but I'd be amused if she had.)

4) Given the number of characters who were being kind of not bright last night, I want to give credit to Hiro. I was with Ando, all "just go back!" but Hiro had the sense to stop himself and try to figure out what had happened first. That's not genius-level thinking, mind you, but he was ahead of me, so he gets a gold star.

Oh, I am going to be so sad if this permanently damages his opinion of Nathan. Even if his opinion of Nathan deserves damaging. Because they are so funny together, and I want them to be friends.

heroes, television, fandom

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