
Feb 04, 2007 21:40

Ten years later, and I think they're finally catching on to the fact that Teal'c is the best at both interrogations and inspirational speeches. As well as fighting, translating and intelligence. Really, sometimes you have to wonder if he just keeps the rest of the team around for amusement value. --elz on Memento Mori

I am not taking Jack's retro-age for this because in first season the only evidence is Blind Candle comment. I am also pretending John was at a minimum 18 in 1973 to fit in with website Vietnam experience. I am further assuming that Daniel was 3.5 in 1969 and that Dean's age is clearly stated and there's nothing that can disprove that given all the fake props he owns and, oh, thank God for small favors. --barkley on canon

Older Brother is Dean. Very Tall Younger Brother is Sam. Older Brother's general awkward cluelessness at ordinary human interaction is one of the things I treasure about him, to be honest. Also, I think he would be *great* with Buffy. So far the fandom preference seems to be Dean/Faith, but I think they are too much alike, which is why they would explode messily, but since Dean *is* Faith, he would naturally fall in love with Buffy. Also: he is significantly less evil than at least two of Buffy's boyfriends.

Well, in my head it makes sense. --coffeeandink

You know, if I were in the Air Force I would not be looking to be promoted up the chain at the SGC. Cause damn, Colonel is a short career path if your name isn't Jack O'Neill. Bye bye, Emerson. Good to know you. --cofax7 on Company of Thieves

The next spin-off needs to be Stargate: Space Pirates, wherein Daniel and Vala go off to have wacky space pirate hijinks with Lorne from SGA, who gets transfered back to Earth after some really traumatic thing happens to him, and then he's assigned as, like ... the SGC guy who goes with them to gather space pirate intel ... and he does. A few new characters, frequent cameos by recurring characters on the other shows, periodic Special Guest Star spots when Cam and Teal'c drop by to be space pirates for standalone eps or maybe even occasional three-episode arcs. The fanfic will be split between Daniel/Vala and Daniel/Lorne, with occasional rare pairings involving the new characters and a small but fervent following of Daniel/Vala/Lorne OT3.

Or not. But wouldn't that be fun? --greensilver

Isn't it creepy that, in that episode where Huey, Dewie and Louie try to make Donald feel guilty they put roast chickens in their bed and pretend the house is burning down and he finds the chickens and thinks it's them and cries with remorse for treating them so badly when they were alive? And then they all make up and eat the chickens? Like... that's creepy, right? --troyswann

LOL! Okay, this is the capper. I left feedback on someone's story last night, and they just replied and asked me whether I'd seen this cool Kirk/Spock video someone did.... --killabeez's "Closer" hits the big time

Also, I like the way Sam and Cam can exchange glances and it always turns into this long stare where they're apparently having an entire conversation with just their eyes. I used to see hints of that with Sam and Daniel, but this season... he doesn't really look at her much, and when he does it's very brief. Which is, I don't know, sort of a Daniel-thing, I think. Sometimes I think he's on meth. --surrealphantast

(You know, it's just occured to me that if SG1 fandom was starting up now, in this modern era of unfortunate pairing names, this pairing would be called JackJack. Unless - wait. It's not actually already called that somewhere, right?) --thefourthvine on J/D

A Secret Life

Why you need to have one
is not much more mysterious than
why you don't say what you think
at the birth of an ugly baby.
Or, you've just made love
and feel you'd rather have been
in a dark booth where your partner
was nodding, whispering yes, yes,
you're brilliant. The secret life
begins early, is kept alive
by all that's unpopular
in you, all that you know
a Baptist, say, or some other
accountant would object to.
It becomes what you'd most protect
if the government said you can protect
one thing, all else is ours.
When you write late at night
it's like a small fire
in a clearing, it's what
radiates and what can hurt
if you get too close to it.
It's why your silence is a kind of truth.
Even when you speak to your best friend,
the one who'll never betray you,
you always leave out one thing;
a secret life is that important.

-Stephen Dunn

If there's a worse raison d'etre for a candidate in 2006 than one that combines the notion that Anyone Can Do It with the now-wholly-discredited Naderite philosophy of Not-A-Dime's-Worth-Of-Difference, I can't think of one. They're debating torture in the U.S. Congress, folks. Seriously. Eyes on the ball, please. --Charles P. Pierce

Seriously, I mean, if his plan was SO FOOLPROOF, why not pitch it to Landry? Where was *that* missing scene?

Landry: Thank you for that information about the nuke, everybody.

John: No problem. But before you act on that, the thing is, while we were sitting here talking, I came up with a new plan. In this plan, instead of sixty armed, trained Marines, we only send SIX people to Atlantis-- and let's say only three and a half of them actually have to be combat-trained. It might sound ridiculous! But is a plan so foolproof I would stake the lives of everyone I love on it! How about it? Wanna hear it?

Landry: Not really. *leaves room*

John: *grumble*

Elizabeth: *pets John's arm* I would love to hear your plan, John.

John: Really?

Rodney: Yeah, tell us!

John: You're not just saying that?

Carson: I bet it's a *really good plan*.

John: Well, okay. --liviapenn on The Return

"The Armful"

For every parcel I stoop down to seize
I lose some other off my arms and knees,
And the whole pile is slipping, bottles, buns
Extremes too hard to comprehend at once,
Yet nothing I should care to leave behind.
With all I have to hold with hand and mind
And heart, if need be, I will do my best
To keep their building balanced at my breast.
I crouch down to prevent them as they fall;
Then sit down in the middle of them all.
I had to drop the armful in the road
And try to stack them in a better load.

-- Robert Frost

It's bad enough having to handwave the timeslot, now I have to handwave a mass audience that responds well to agonizingly slow Gilbert & Sullivan parodies? AT 2:30 AM ON THE EAST COAST !?!?!!?! --alterjess on Studio 60

This show jumped a shark, and then a feeding frenzy of sharks, and then a pod of whales, and then an aircraft carrier, and then then entire continent of Australia. --danceswithwords on Dark Angel Season 2

Somebody on rpg.net posted explaining all the characters as being rpg characters, and it made a lot of sense. Mohinder is the player who relentlessly dogs the Big Plot without much sense of development. Claire is the relatively new player who said "I want to play Buffy". Peter is the guy who is really into developing his character's personality, plot be damned. Nathan is the person who goes off on their own thing regardless of the main plot directction. Hiro is the powergamer geek. The cop loaded up on Disadvantages but hasn't been able to make most of the sessions, or had to leave early. Nikki is played by a guy. --head58 on Heroes

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