Oh, THAT'S where the CW is.

Oct 19, 2006 18:05

My Tivo lied to me! Damn you, Tivo!

Oh well. At least I'll be able to see the rest of VM and SPN.


coffeeandink had a post today in which she mentioned that she felt like some of her shows were fannish homework, and, yeah. I think that's why "OMG you must watch this!" can make me feel a little resentful sometimes--it feels like an assignment, even though I know it's meant as an expression of joy.

I wouldn't be watching SPN if it weren't such a huge thing on my flist, I don't think, though I like it well enough. So that's my homework show, that and Doctor Who; I like them, but I could leave them, too, if it weren't that I think knowing them will be useful.

Of course, at this point I'm two weeks behind and it's only going to get worse--I'm leaving Friday evening and won't be back home until next Wednesday.

Supernatural: We managed to download SPN 2x02 and watch it in Tuscany, and I have to say, there was a complaint afterwards from someone who hadn't seen the show before that she'd been promised slashy incest. I mean, seriously. Dean! Think about this! Okay, he doesn't have the advantage of knowing he's a character on a TV show, but come on, buddy. She could totally be your sister.

I am still not feeling the big love, but in the show's defense, In My Time of Dying made me cry. Of course, nowadays Mastercard commercials make me cry, but still.

Jericho: I am still watching this, but I feel bad about it. It's just so... oh, God, I think it's even too earnest for me and I looooove the earnest. Everyone is so sweetly serious, and they used the phrase "women and children first" in a way I was meant, I think, to approve of, and Skeet is weird-looking and way, way, way too heroic. But nuclear bombs! Apocalypses! I can't let it go.

I feel strongly that Blonde and Brunette from the incipient Skeet-based love triangle need to escape Jericho and go be on their own show, where they're freelance mercenaries traveling the post-apocalyptic landscape. Blonde will have to get a little less squeamish about killing people, but otherwise I think this could work. IRS woman could come too, as the comic relief. It'd be femslashtastic! The only minus of this plan is that it leaves Skeet's Mom alone in Jericho with all the dull people, and that seems unfair, because I like her.

Heroes: Now this one I like a lot. (I've only seen the first two episodes so far, but I'm mildly spoiled for the others.) I mean, it could certainly go south on me (and huh, you know, I never noticed what an odd turn of phrase that is. Civil War-related?) but for now I'm really enjoying how committed to and familiar with the tropes of this kind of superhero story the writers are. It's nice to feel like they're working with something they know and feel comfortable with, without having that "oh my God PUT STAR WARS DOWN" feeling I get from Stargate.

I mean, the only one I'm kind of irritated by is Simone, because I'm not enthralled with the actress. Oh, wait, no, Possibly Evil Pixie who met Mohinder, same problem. But that could certainly improve. Even Peter, who is totally That Guy... I don't know, I'm still hopeful at this point that the show can tell that he's That Guy, and I will be allowed to roll my eyes at him without feeling like I'm battling the text to do it.

Mohinder, as Mely put it, is hot like burning, and I'm amused that the wise mentor figure is also the young hottie. (And the accent. Mmm.) Claire is this fascinating mix of... I don't even know. Grumpy. She's a grumpy little blonde cheerleader who flung herself off a sixty-foot drop to prove a point, with pep laid over the top, and I adore her. Isaac doesn't have much personality yet, but the power is fun. Telepathic Cop (look, there are a lot of names, okay?) is Greg Grunberg, so he gets a pass from me for quite a while, plus yay Clea Duvall! (Though having seen people think she was the actress who played Grace on JoA made me sad. Becky Wahlstrom was so great.) I even like The Stripper, who ought to be way more annoying than she is. And Hiro! Hiro would be irritating in real life, I suspect, but how can I not be charmed by fictional Hiro? All "yes, I learned to bend time and space! Like on Star Trek! Isn't that INCREDIBLY COOL?"

They just... they feel like 3-D people to me, already. I really like that. I may even... I mean, I could become fannish here. Or not, it's early times yet, but I'm actually feeling a vague urge to find new people out in the wilds of LJ who are saying interesting things about the show. Except then they could turn out to be crazy, so I don't. But I might! I even found myself thinking "OMG this is a great song for Niki!" this morning, which is not as reliable an indicator of fannishness as it used to be before I started watching vids, but still.

That would be nice. It's been a while since I had a new fannish love.


I am tired--been waking up really early, partly jetlag and partly stress, I think. My worry has shifted from "OMG what if I get this job in MA and take it and move and it's the WRONG CHOICE?" to "OMG what if I screw up the interview and don't get the job?" Which is actually a little less stressful, if more potentially embarrassing, since the ENTIRE WORLD knows I'm interviewing at this point. (I'm not good at not telling people things.) But in that case, I just stay here for now, where I have friends and a job I know I can do and co-workers and a supervisor who appreciate me. So, less scary than uprooting myself.

I need to prep for that interview. Crap. I need a weekend, is what I need.

heroes, random, television, jericho, supernatural, fandom

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