The Amazing Race

May 03, 2006 22:10

Loincloths? Did they have to? I mean, seriously.

In order of my preference, right now:

Ray & Yolanda: There was personality! I saw it! So exciting! Yolanda being all "black people wouldn't be that stupid... *beat* *beat* ...except for the part where we're going to be that stupid," cracked me up, and her gigglefest at the didgeridoo was very cute. And then they had maps! Which they read correctly! And they came in first and won cars and at no point did I find myself wanting to smack them over the head with a hammer! So I want them to win now, even though I'm still not holding out a whole lot of hope for their relationship.

Also, I think that might be the last Roadblock Ray can do.

BJ & Tyler: I know. I'm horrified, too. But at this point, they feel like the best of a bad lot, when it comes to the other three, since the irritating showoffness has been reduced somewhat. I really get the sense that Tyler at least feels like he's just playing the game, man, and we're all friends here, right? It's... crazy, but. It doesn't seem personal, somehow. Even the attempt to sow dissension between Monica and Joseph... it was so clumsy-thirteen-year-old that I couldn't take it seriously. And they were actually funny! The thing about the termites and wood and the peg leg... I laughed! It was weird.

BJ was an idiot for not putting his damn shoes on when he knew there was going to be a footrace, though. I mean, seriously. It's a highway! I'm sure Mercedes SUVs have cruise control! PUT ON YOUR SHOES, BJ.

Joseph & Monica: I will say, I had a lot of respect for Monica outrunning BJ at the end--I mean, yeah, BJ had no SHOES (idiot) but Monica had been beaten by him just a couple of hours before, so she could've given up. Way to stick with it, Mo. But I just have no patience for "that's not fair!" whining about the Yield (as opposed to "I'm mad that they did that!"), and the whole thing with the taxi-stealing was just SKANKY. Not stupid, but I don't have to like them for it.

I will say, they're awfully good at recovering from those freakouts they have. I guess they're just one of those up-and-down couples.

Eric & Jeremy: NO. LOVE. Though Yolanda being all "uh, yeah, whatever, skanky boy" entertained me. But the whole thing, with the taxis and the smirking and the "I'd totally do you if only you didn't have a boyfriend!" thing... ew ew ew.

They're strong, though. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they win. Sigh.

television, tar

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