The Amazing Race

Oct 26, 2005 18:28

...I miss hard tasks, and regular TAR.

The Weavers: Look, until the show gives me a good reason for the hate-on some of the other teams have for them, I'm totally going to be biased in their favor. And "they're probably pretty annoying to be around" is not a good reason. They just come off as straightforward, basically decent people, and there's a whole let's-go-after-the-uncool-kids vibe to the whole Weaver-hunt that makes me twitchy. If they're doing something to deserve it, I wish we could see it, or at least hear about it in an interview.

(Some of the additional videos on the CBS website seem to imply that they've been extremely standoffish with the other teams, except for the occasional attempt to get information. Which, you know, again, I can see how that would be annoying, but I can't get on that train if that's all it is. I need nastiness to dislike a team, and they just haven't shown any evidence of that.)

The Linzes:, I know the Linzes. Well, not them, but guys like that, and while they often have many good qualities, in general their brand of humor ends up feeling ugly to me. Interesting that they're frequently helpful to favored teams, though; they've helped both the Godlewskis and the Bransens, haven't they?

The Paolos: Brian continues to come off as a decent guy. Plus, my Mom's family work in the garbage business, so I thought his statement about his Dad was very sweet. DJ is still reprehensible and needs to grow up, and Mom needs to get a grip on herself and her relationship with DJ, like, get some therapy, woman. Honestly, I think it might help. Full credit to her for the bungee, though--I expected her to dither, but no, she didn't hesitate for a moment.

The Bransens: Dull! Dull, dull, dull. I don't remember anything interesting they did this episode... oh, wait, they were the ones who were used by a local as a ride to work, right? I enjoyed that. Also, I am entertained that the editors clearly aren't even bothering to expect the audience to tell the daughters apart--they're just a nameless mass of blondeness.

I suppose I shouldn't complain. At least they aren't yelling at each other.

The Gaghans: Guys, you know I like you a whole lot. I want a Billy and Carissa of my very own, I do. I think you're all fabulous. But you need to be doing more of the thinking, because with you standing right there I don't think there was any way DJ was not going off that tower. (Plus, they're starting to show stress, but that's only fair at this point I think.)

The Godlewskis: Way to piggyback off the Linzes! No, seriously--if the big 20-something guys want to carry stuff for you, why the heck not? I think that's smart. I'm not going to try to tell the four of them apart, though, despite the fact that the editors do seem to be trying to give us a chance to figure that out, what with the occasional "I'm really bossy!" interview segment.

television, tar

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