Well hello.
I only just got in about 30 minutes ago. I don't think I've ever been so exhausted in my life. :/ I had 4 hours sleep last night. I couldn't get to sleep till around 4am, and then my mum woke me at 8am for my hairdressers appointment. So I went there for 9am and had my hair cut and highlighted. It looks better than it did anyway.
Okay so I stayed in the hairdressers for 2 hours. They put me under one of those heat things for my highlights and I swear I dropped off for a few moments. So then I was going to go home and get a few hours before seeing Sven tonight. But mum was going to lunch with Emma & Ellie - and I miss my baby Ellie so much that I HAD to go. She is so sweet.
We had lunch in the garden center and it was nice seeing Emma because it's been a week or so since I saw her last I think. And my Ellie of course, she was so cute, she told everyone she had to sit next to me and she was linking my arm the whole time we were there. <3
So after lunch we came back about 2pm, and I thought FINALLY I can lay down for a bit. But then mum went to pick Kurt up from school cause he was staying here the night. :S And as much as I love that little boy to death, he is not something you need when you are as tired as I. Anyways, it wasn't so bad, we stayed in his bedroom for a bit playing games, and he told me about this girl at school that kissed him when they went to see Peter Pan on a school trip. But of course he told her to go away. Then he said she had another boyfriend called Jack who she was marrying. Bless them, they're only 5. :P
After spending a bit of time with him, Emma, Jay + Ellie turned up for a few hours so we all sat downstairs chatting, and then Sven called saying he was home from work about 6pm, and he wanted to come see me. I decided to have a nice bath before he got here, and thought we could just watch a DVD in bed or something. But noo, he wants to go to the cinema. :/ Which is a nice gesture, but God. Well we went to see the 8:30pm showing of the Last Samurai, it was a very good movie actually. And I do love spending time with him. But I feel like shit to be honest. My head is throbbing and my eyes are stinging and I feel like I haven't slept in a month.
So now I will depart and maybe sleep forever. :P
Oh wait, I have to show you the flowers Sven got me the other day, they are so nice. <3 He is a romantic afterall. ;)