FF: The Ghosts That Haunt Us (12/12)

Aug 15, 2007 00:43

And now the moment you've all been waiting for, the finale!!!  Yes, yes; my loyal readers this chap concludes the tale and there will be no more done with this fic.  Now time to go work on Moving On  and First Impressions...

Thanks for reading my fic, I really appreciate any and all comment left for me to read!

As always: read, enjoy and respond!!

Title: The Ghosts That Haunt Us
Rating: Varies, M chaps labelled
Pairing: C/O, OFC/Serena Southerlyn
Disclaimer: Only Alex is mine
Feedback: Yes please!

Chapter 12
          At 3am that morning Serena gave up on trying to sleep and walked out to the living room, which was still bathed with the firelight. She wasn’t very surprised to see that Alex wasn’t sleeping either and made some noise, causing the detective to look up from her thoughts, “Hey.”
            Alex wanted to smile, but she couldn’t bring herself to acknowledge Serena like that; Serena frowned, she had clearly hurt Alex.
            “I’ve been doing some thinking, and I realized that it doesn’t really make sense that you’d still be pining after Abbie after we’ve broken up and then got back together. I just…The thought of you with anyone else makes me jealous, but especially a woman whose job I was given. I mean, how am I supposed to compete with Abbie Carmichael?”
            Alex finally found her voice, “You’re not, Serena. What we have, had, was so much more and meant so much more to me than Abbie ever could. I didn’t love Abbie Serena, but I did want a relationship. You know I’m not the type to fall into bed with anyone, and Abbie Carmichael was intoxicating to be with; but at the end of the day I was alone. We didn’t talk, just fucked. It was very straightforward and emotionally draining for me. Abbie ended it but before that night we hadn’t been together in weeks, maybe a month. I just reached a point where I knew that that wasn’t what I wanted or needed. I couldn’t have looked at myself in the mirror if that had continued. When I met you I realized that you were, are, what I need in my life.”
            Alex took a deep breath and looked at Serena in the eye before continuing, “I’m sorry that I never told you, and I honestly have no clue as to why I didn’t.”
            Serena sat down next to Alex before beginning to gently rub her back, “I’m sorry I overreacted, and I’m sorry I said that I was a replacement for Abbie. It’s just…” She hugged Alex, pulling her close to her before continuing, “I know you’re desirable, I know women flirt with you; but Abbie is different. I mean, I took over her job when she was requested by the U.S. Attorney’s office; you’ve slept with her and that gives the two of you a familiarity physically that most if not all of those women who look at you will never get. I’ve seen some of your exes, but I never thought of them as possibly posing a threat to us; Abbie poses that threat to us.”
            “I haven’t seen Abbie since we broke up; I haven’t talked to her since she left the DA’s office. Honestly, I don’t even think about Abbie anymore. Because when I’m with you, Serena, nothing else seems to matter; the world just falls away and I get so wrapped up in you that it’s like we’re the only two left on the earth.”
            Serena stared at Alex in surprise, she hadn’t expected Alex to say that, “Do you…Do you mean that Alex?”
            Alex looked at Serena passionately, “Yes,” Alex lowered her head, “more than anything else; I love you, and I…I want to be with you. But only if you feel the same way.”
            “You know that I do, Alex. I always have loved you, and I’ll always want to be with you. Come to bed.” Serena stood up, holding out her hand for Alex to take, “I don’t want anyone else, ever again. I only want you; I only need you.”
            Alex took Serena’s hand and the two lovers went into their bedroom, where they made up to one another; again and again.


serena southerlyn, olivia benson, law & order: svu, author: katie_drake, casey novak, title: the ghosts that haunt us

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