Mar 25, 2005 21:22
i am waiting up for neena to get out of work in 10 minutes .. and i know this is crazy but i need to talk to her
i cant lose two people i care about at the same time.. man but im beat right now... well i have 7 minutes.. and if she doesnt pick up:-/ ill be wicked sad. and prob cry myself to sleep.. like you dont understand, she is my bestfriend. we talk about everything. i love her so much, that i would do ANYTHING for her.. even tho we are 3 yrs apart she is my bestfriend.. ever since we meet at girlscamp..
Ok im dialing her number.. and ahhh tmrw is going to such but be a good day. i better not be working tomorrow or this morning at 7am that would suck alot. i will prob ask my mom to leave me a list and have her take my spot.
ahh im exhausted ............... ok kids, im off to wait and dial her number a million times.
<3 mormon