taimun pictionary!!
lots of lovely blurry nehsers.
environment-- one VERY COOL committee =)
after a hard day of lobbying...it was high time to party.
a quick stop at room 505 to dump off our stuff (hi, alice!)
my dearest lovers at taimun (where's yenny??), pre-going out.
after eating, we hit the arcades. sadly, i did not know how to reload a gun. =(
shopping! and us being verrryy fashionable...
FOBULOUSLY fashionable.
tk got jealous so she joined in the fun.
we squished a poor horsie...
and took a dark pic on the bridge.
back in the hotel, curfew was 930...
but these cuties (eug, cath, alice, tk, yenny, chris) threw me a belated birthday bash, complete with a lil cake!! <3 and chris worked very hard to mess up my hair and tie that ridiculous white ribbon on my head.
we played a few rounds of truth or dare...and tk dared me to take a spin on the tv, which was conveniently located on top of the refrigerator.
one episode of oc, one movie, and three conked out people later, we were just waiting for morning to come.
roomies! tk, katie (and chris's tie), alice, before leaving for LAS.
back in the conference, looking spiffy. (eug, harold, mary, cath)
our chairs were so sweet. =)
look, its harold and tk!!
and i will end this with a creation by yours truly...
cuz everyone loves gummi bears. =)