I have new people on my flist now, so this meme is timely. Ask me questions if you want to!
You know how sometimes people on your friends list post about stuff going on in their lives, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.
Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One-word answers seldom help anyone out.
1. First name: Katie! What a surprise! It isn't short for anything, I'm just plain old Katie. Or The Katie, or Kate, or Kato, or KES (initials) or indeed anything else people fancy calling me.
2. Age: 28. Although I still regularly get ID'ed when trying to buy wine in supermarkets. (The drinking age here is 18.)
3. Location: London, baby! I have lived here for over 6 years now! I shock myself every time I work that out - I never thought I'd stay so long but I love it. I am from Harrogate, which is in Yorkshire (otherwise known as Up North) but I hardly know anyone who lives there any more so I haven't been up for ages, which makes me slightly sad.
4. Occupation: Librarian. I did French and Spanish at Uni (I have forgotten most of it now, which saddens me) and a careers advisor in my final year suggested library work based on my interests, and here I still am 6 years and a Master's degree later. I enjoy it, especially because I am in a little library where I get to know the users. They might close it though, so I'd end up in the main university library. :( Of course the other option to that is unemployed so yay main library!
5. Partner: I haven't had a boyfriend for ages and honestly, I don't care. I like my life as it is! I'm not saying I'm completely closed off to the idea but I'm not looking for anything. Mainly I just like objectifying hot boys (men) that I see around. Also
klo_the_hobbit has accidentally become my platonic life partner - we have been not-dating for a year! We went for an accidental candlelit dinner the other week and then realised it was our anniversary! But she has recently fallen in love with a boy. I feel betrayed. :'(
6. Kids: All my young life, like seriously babyhood till about 5 years ago, I just assumed I would have kids. I love them and have always been good with them but now I think that I wouldn't actually be that good at having my own. I'm too selfish and flaky, really. I rock at babysitting though! I am a favourite fake-aunt. :D
7. Brothers/sisters: I have a little sister (well, she's 27 and married, but she's younger than me) named Jill. We have always been really good friends overall (like, we would have screaming fistfights and once I pushed her down a flight of stairs, but within an hour we would be happily playing together again, no apologies needed). She's pretty awesome (and occasionally reads my journal so I have to be nice. :p)
8. Pets: None. :( We had a cranky cat for years and years when I was a kid, and a clever golden retriever followed by an adorably stupid one, but I haven't had a pet for almost 10 years now. When Liss (flatmate. Known as Liss, Laura or
chaletian) and I are old and living in our crazy old lady house together I am allowed a collection of china cats and maybe, just maybe one really sedate real cat. Liss is scared of cats.
9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
1. Lol the internet. I love the internet and fandom, although I am naturally a lurker. I'm trying to participate a bit more but I am not a creative type so I'm just trying to force myself to comment more and maybe picpam people. I haven't been reading as much fic lately, but I am still in love with my stupid bands.
2. Laura. I could not do something like this and not give her a section. We have been living together for nearly 4 years and I think that she goes to bed every day surprised that I have not killed her - but I would not do that because she is grate! (Although I shouted at her once and accidentally made her cry. I don't get cross very often but when I do it is extra scary, apparently.) We work together in perfect harmony - she likes to talk about herself and I don't mind listening. :D (I'm actually surprised she hasn't done this meme yet.) Also she cooks for me and if she wasn't around then I would live on toast and maybe pasta if I was feeling adventurous.
3. Pretending to be cultured. Liss and I used to go to the theatre a lot, but that has tailed off and we've only seen 4 or 5 things over the last year. I do love the theatre and want to get back into going - I need to make more of living in London! We also go to the cinema fairly regularly and the
Bad Film Club is an especial favourite - it's the Christmas Quiz soon! I've been getting back into going to gigs recently after about 8 years of not really doing it. I'm on about a million mailing lists for places and keep getting emails about bands I've never heard of. I should just randomly pick stuff and see if I like it, but there are so many gigs that I know I'd like that it'd just seem a waste! I'm also a bookworm but the types of books I read are hardly highbrow, as you will see in the new year when I do my annual "books I read this year" post.
10. Parents: My parents are lovely. They first met on their first day of Grammar School when they sat next to each other alphabetically and have been going out since before they started university. They are now 60 (well Mum will be in a couple of months). I've never had any real fights with them (normal bickering and shouting sure, but no real fights) and they are seriously easygoing. Everyone seems to love my parents! Meet them for 5 minutes and you will have an open invitation to go and stay with them in France, whether I'll be there or not. (They took early retirement a couple of years ago and moved to France. Free holidays for me!)
11. Who are some of your closest friends? All my friends (that I see with any regularity) came from the internet! But now some of them are RL friends. I'm not naming names because I'll just forget someone and cause woe, but ILU all. And my online friends are awesome too! ♥