I took some sneaky pictures of the camera equipment last week while the guys were getting lunch. They're not that thrilling or anything but woo, TV equipment in my library!
Got a text from my little sister on Friday - apparently she has a partially collapsed lung! Well done her and her spontaneously collapsing organs. It should apparently reinflate itself but she has to have a new x-ray next week and if it hasn't there will be big needles involved. Poor thing. :( Update of nearly a week later: it's got a little bit better but she's got to be on nearly complete rest for a month (she's already bored to tears) and she can't fly so her holiday at Mum and Dad's has been cancelled. Poor wee thing.
On Saturday,
klo_the_hobbit and I went to Ben & Jerry's Sundae on the Common, which was pretty much like what heaven would be if heaven existed. There was free ice cream and free fairground rides and Super Furry Animals! Sadly, I was an ice cream quitter and only had one scoop of ice cream and one of frozen yoghurt. Liss and Chloe made a valiant effort to make up for my lack of commitment, however.
The stage. Just in case you weren't sure. I think King Creosote were playing at this point.
The "flavour graveyard", old flavours that don't exist any more - most of which I'd never even heard of. Which led to the tragedy of the day:
Bohemian Raspberry is no more! That'll be why they didn't have any at the cinema when we went to see Harry Potter, then. Boo, say I.
Me and Chloe on the carousel. Why is going round and round in a circle on a plastic horse so much fun?
Helter Skelter!
Me falling over like the moron that I am when getting off the helter skelter. It was hilarious at the time but sadly resulted in a slightly sprained wrist. :( It's mostly better now though.
My legs. No reason other than I liked the tights.
Liss working the MySpace angles.
Liss' hair on the "autumn leaves" setting. Needless to say she is very pleased with this picture.
Me attempting to look soulfully into the distance. And failing.
Liss tried to take close-ups of me. I was displeased with this turn of events.
On the way home we saw these two chairs just sitting out on the Common. Liss and Chloe named them Alice and Sebastian and made up a life story for them.
We watched Cutting Edge 3: Chasing the Dream in the evening. It was fun of course, it was an ice skating film so it couldn't be anything else, but it wasn't even a patch on Cutting Edge 2, let alone the original. They did the Panchenko though, so that was nice. Then I spent most of Sunday cleaning the house, which is very unusual for me! I also watched Princess Protection Programme and it was hilarious. Although I think the bits I found funniest were meant to be pretty srs bsnss. Oh well!
This week was mine and Chloe's Thames walk but there are pictures for that too so I'll save it for a new post. I'll probably get around to that in about a fortnight.
In Panic!/Young Veins news, I like both songs but I think I prefer New Perspective. I do like Ryan Rossy's flat little voice though. :/ Also woo, My Chem show!! I'm really looking forward to pictures and reports from that. New music!