Well trust me to make a decision to update more just as it seems
LJ might implode! Never mind, I shall stick with it anyway.
People seemed to be showing an interest in my reading habits and our beautiful book room, so I thought I'd do a little picture post to introduce you all to the place. Please bear in mind that I decided to take these at about midnight last night, and took the ones of the book room standing on the back of the sofa with the camera back against the wall - it's such a tiny room that's the only way I could hope to get the whole shelved wall in! Anyway, onwards to the photos:
1. This is the main body of the book room. My dad and I spent an entire day, possibly two, putting up all these shelves.
This is our fiction collection, mine at the top (for obvious reasons) and then Liss', both in alphabetical order. Plus newer ones piled at the ends because I can't be bothered to interfile them, what with all the moving that would entail.
Fiction from a slightly different angle, with some random larger books on the bottom shelf.
Around the doorway. Still fiction on the left, a slightly more random selection on the right. I think poetry lives here, and computer books, among other things. But most important are:
The classic ladybird books, and other assorted treasures, specifically:
The Puddle Lane collection that seems to interest more people than I thought it ever would. Who else remembers these? (Or indeed has any they want to get rid of lol)
So that's the book room, but I thought as I'd started I might as well continue on to the other bookshelves in the house.
The very random collection of things on the shelves outside my room. I think it's mainly history but it's Liss' stuff and I never really look at it:
The IKEA bookcase in my bedroom, containing mainly the oversized books (wow, that's a worse photo than I realised. Oh well!):
Including our comic collection:
And the to-read shelves in the living room:
There are also some books in the bathroom that I forgot about, and some in Liss' room - mainly trashy romance, I think.
And there you have it! The literary tour of Fangirl Towers. I hope your lives are the richer for it.