♥ I have a confession to make, dear flisters. OK, it's a confession that about 3 of you will care about, but it's still my confession. I have been watching more Supernatural (and as an aside, have only 2 episodes left before I'm completely caught up. Go me) and have realised something. Here goes. My name is Katie and I ship Dean/Jo. Or at least Dean/fanon!Jo. If the writer gets her over her teenage crush thing and turns her into a proper hunter, they work really well together. And I have even read and liked Dean/Jo baby!fic. Obviously, there is no hope for me.
I weep for the fact that Jo is reportedly not going to be back again. Boo, PTBs, boo indeed. She could have been a great character.
♥ Also in the "there is no hope for me" line of thinking, I just read
J2 fairy fic. And it was actually quite good. If very very strange.
seiyaharris came up with a glorious fic idea in our conversation in the comments of her
beautiful CW picspam. There MUST be a fic out there where Tommy and Jensen are high end rent boys and Mike is a rich actor who usually books Tom but occasionally Jensen as well and then one day he books them both and brings along his actor friend Jared who's all shy and stuff and Jensen and Jared take a shine to each other and Jared's all CONFUSED AND EMO and Tom & Mike are all amused and shit. Someone should totally write it. The world would be a better place if it existed.
♥ I say totally too much. At least in writing. And in my head. I have noticed this in the last few days.
♥ I was reading magazines in the staff room because I couldn't be bothered to cope with my French novel (bad me) and discovered in The Bookseller that the "woe is me, look at how crap my childhood was" sort of books are actually truly called "misery lit" in the publishing world. How uplifting a category is that? It fucks me off that they get a category at all. Je les deteste. I also had a flick through an old Elle, not realising at first how old it was until I got to an article about Britney Spears. She was still 19 and going out with Justin Timberlake and talking about trying to stay a virgin until she got married. It's stupid, but it actually made me a little bit sad to think of what she was like then compared to what she's like now. She needs some serious help.
♥ I need to do more Casa Padackles but I keep forgetting. We haven't had Chris and Steve's reunion yet! (And I'm sure you're all waiting with bated breath for that. Lol.)
♥ I have bought (at least part of) Liss' birthday present. I wouldn't usually bother mentioning such a thing but she's so funny when she wants to know what her presents are. Mock the Squeen. Mock mock mock...