If there's one thing I've learnt it's never to be the first to stick your hand in a viscous material

Feb 01, 2007 11:56

1. There is so much Heroes love in the Poirot Flat it is almost tangible. Alas we have now caught up with los estados-unidos and will have to wait a week between episodes (13 has now downloaded btw, Liss, so we can perhaps watch it tonight...) It is highly likely we will expire from squee at some point. I did discover Heroes fic on Yuletide so I'll be reading some more of that today. There is Peter/Mohinder slash on there and I can't quite get my head round that much pretty being in one place. Surely the world would implode or something? Maybe that's why Peter explodes! There's too much hotness when he and Mohinder meet! Hehe. We can't decide who we like best. Nathan is so conflicted but at heart a good person. Claire is obviously fabulous. Peter is one of the prettiest men alive (floppy hair!). Niki is confusing us - has she actually got a power? I assume so because she has the mark, but surely she's just a bit mental? And is it her or Jessica or both who has the power? One assumes both, with the identical twins thing, but who knows? And when she broke the prison guard's night stick thing was that Jessica or Niki? I think she interests me most. And Mr Bennet is v interesting in a creepy way. And Hiro. Who could not love Hiro? With his zest for life and his concentrating face. I love him. Also, I need Heroes icons. Must find non-spoilery icons.

2. I saw a Life on Mars series 2 poster on the way into work today and got excited about that too. I'm quite excitable at the moment, as you may be able to tell. I'm not exactly in the LOM fandom, but I'm really looking forward to the new series - what's going on with Sam?! I love the way they're putting in loads of little clues for the internet fandom. Well, not just for them (us), to be fair, but it's going to be fun looking for them. I must start looking at TRA more often... And John Simm being in DW would be fabulous. I hope it's more than a silly rumour, but as I think it's only been reported in The Sun so far, I'm not holding out huge amounts of hope.

3. We didn't watch Buzzcocks last night because I didn't realise it had restarted. To be fair, we were watching Heroes and a slightly harrowing Bones episode, but I could have at least taped Buzzcocks. Grr. Never mind - I'm sure it'll be repeated/torrented.

4. Mama and Papa Stone are coming down at the weekend to look at houses. Lots and lots of houses. I have been a Good Girl and talked to lots of people on the telephone to arrange this. Actually, I need to remember to ring one of them back and book another appointment. Hopefully at least some of them will be suitable and we can get a house and stop having to look at stuff. It's boring. Plus I have absolutely no idea of aesthetics so it's pointless for me to look at places on my own and Liss and I can't always go places together. As long as it's big enough and doesn't look like it'll fall down, I don't really care. I need other people around to tell me if something is crap. I'm such a boy.

5. I need to set aside a day to go wedding shopping still. I need boring things like shoes and jewellery, so Liss has to come with me to (a) stop me from killing myself or someone else through Shopping Rage and (b) help me choose things because I don't wear pretty shoes or jewellery. I also need to buy Jill a nice dark (preferably midnight) blue garter. I volunteered for this. Why? Where does one get these things from? She doesn't like the ones they have in Debenhams etc because they're too traditional. Only about 6 weeks to go now - how weird. Paul's coming as my plus one, which will be fun(!) - meeting the family and all that. Hmm.

6. Haha. One of North and South (manufactured band who had a TV show called No Sweat) is through to Hollywood on American Idol. I loved them when they were around (in an ironic, cheesy, way, of course). It makes me chuckle that he is now doing an American talent show. Anyone else remember them? I think I still have one of their singles on tape at home. I'm so cool...

7. The Squeen is working at work now. This unnerves me. Plus she isn't around to play games with during the day. Woe. *And* she hasn't written the Ghost Whisperer fic from the last SDC. Woe is me. It's a hard life.

(Can you tell I only really had 5 things to talk about...?)

tv, geeking, love nest, squibling wedding, seven things, la squeen, fic

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