Seven things - the easy way to update your LJ

Nov 24, 2006 13:48

1. Casino Royale
I think that was the first Bond film I've ever sat down and watched all the way through in one sitting. It was definitely the first one I'd seen in the cinema. I went to see it because I love Daniel Craig (and not just because of the tiny pants, as I was accused a couple of days ago), even though I'm fairly indifferent to Bond itself. He was rather fabulous, in my humble opinion. I've mainly heard opinions from Daniel Craig fans, rather than Bond fans about this - any Bond fans on my flist? Did you like it? Anyway, Bond credits are always something to look forward to and these were no exception. The cards worked beautifully and I loooove the theme song (although that's because I love Chris Cornell - I'm not sure how Bond-like the song actually is).

I'm a funny one, as many of you will testify. I cringe not at violence and blood and guts generally make me laugh, but although I absolutely loved the parkour at the beginning, I almost couldn't watch when they started leaping about on the cranes - it was like the end of King Kong all over again: fabulous scenes but why do they insist on looking down from a great height all the time?!

Won't go into detail, mainly because I can't be bothered. Oh, yeah - for some reason everyone in the cinema we were in got the giggles whenever Le Chiffre used his inhaler. Weird. Thought Vesper was very good, but why, as la Squeen and I discussed on the way home, did an obviously foreign woman have such a high-up position in HM Treasury? Surely you need to be English for that? Maybe she's naturalised, but still... DJD was fabulous of course.

2. We need to talk about Kevin
I finally got round to reading this after meaning to pretty much since it came out and oh em gee it's fabulous. I want to talk about it to someone who's read it! I'd developed a strange liking admiration something for Kevin by the end of it and I'm not sure why. And Eva was very compelling in her letters. I don't know really what to think about her either. Should she have given him more of a chance as a child? I didn't think so when reading but when I thought about it away from the lure of the book, her attitude seemed strange. I think I may have to re read it again in a few months, now I have all the facts. Talk to me about it if you've read it - please!

3. Sound of Music
Hee, I'm off to see this with t'wife in but a few days. I'm not quite as excited as her (I don't think it's physically possible to be) but I am looking forward to it lots. Also means I get to meet Mummy B, which will be nice. Apparently Connie's frabjous, so here's hoping!

4. I started my Christmas shopping on Sunday and it wasn't too bad. I got The Rage a little bit, what with the hoardes of slow people in Camden, but that was to be expected. Camden's changed a bit in the 9 months or so since I've been there - very nice though. I got a few presents so I felt it was worth it. I also bought something as a present that I've decided to keep for myself. Bad me. I think I might buy another of said item to give away though, as it's so nice. I know what I'm getting most people though, which is better than nothing. Mater wants a jewellery tree and I have no idea where to get such a beast. Wooden and ethnic looking preferably - anyone got any suggestions? I was sure there'd be loads in Camden market, but alas my beloved failed me. Woe. I also got a nice bit of exercise, walking round Camden for a few hours then wandering off to Covent Garden. I got the bus back to Camden Road though, because I was feeling lazy and it was dark by that point.

Following on the Christmas theme, I really must get myself some cards. And comment on people's posts so I get cards sent to me. I've been crap this year! (If you want a card and haven't commented yet, the post is here.)

5. Plans for the squibling's wedding continue apace. Got my invite last weekend (nice to know that as chief bridesmaid I'm officially invited *g*) and very humourous it was too. No interest in the wedding list as yet, but there's still almost 4 months to go and people've got to get Christmas out of the way first. Still no further details on the silver DVD player, although I think it's going to be on their Amazon wedding list so that's OK. I've started looking at posh frocks whenever I go into the sorts of shops that sell them. No winners as yet, but I did see a fairly fabulous one in a shop in Camden market. I'll have to see how far I'm allowed to go with the net petticoats/50s/gothic look. Although I'm sure I'll try them on and have a self pity session about being fat and change my plan completely.

6. Have organised the work Christmas meal. Except I haven't booked it yet. Must get around to that.

7. Off to weird_bird's tomorrow to go to Megan's Christmas fair at school. I haven't been to a school fair for ages and I'm looking forward to it. Then FOCS after that. Fun fun fun.

Can you tell I kind of lost heart at the end there? *g*

christmas cards, cinema, squibling wedding, christmas, wife, seven things, theatre, film, musicals, books

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