Hey little sister, what have you done?

Jun 27, 2006 19:03

I fell a little bit in love last night. So did thynk2much, so we now have yet another Imaginary Boyfriend to have an Imaginary Fight over. It's like we have an Imaginary Harem. Anyway, his name is Russell Howard and he's frickin hilarious. Which is always useful in a comedian, but y'know, he's really really hilarious. We were both crying with laughter and having trouble breathing at the end of his 10 minute set. That's how funny he is. I think I may have to start fangirling him and going to all his London gigs. He's also very cute and squishable, which is always a nice bonus.

Also, fun news for me is that I have A Job for the wedding of the squiblette (or jillosaurus_rex as she is known in this land. Don't bother visiting that, though. She's only got it to leave comments on mine, much like my MySpazz is just to leave comments on hers), as opposed to just the ephemeral title of chief bridesmaid, so that's nice. I am in charge of the Present List. Not writing it, obviously, for that would be silly, but keeping track of who's buying what and generally making sure they don't end up with 12 toasters. Because nobody wants that, however fine toast may be. People who know about weddings, is this a Good Job or a Bad Job? They want stuff from all over the place so they suggested I set up an LJ for the list (as I am, apparently, LiveJournal Queen). They are likely to want things from very random places, being as they are, rather alternative in their tastes. God love 'em. Or not, as they are blatant unbelievers, but still... Anyway, I feel nice and useful now, even if it does end up being a crappity job. *g* Rah me.

ibf, squibling wedding

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