Oct 24, 2008 20:49
Sarah Palin refuses to refer to abortion clinic bombers as domestic terrorists. FAIL.
I can't stand a lot of what Elizabeth Hasselbeck has to say, but I admire the hell out of her gumption. It's got to be the easiest thing in the world to be a liberal in Hollywood *cough* GEORGE CLOONEY *cough*, but I admire Hasselbeck for having the courage to stand up for her beliefs. Don't expect me to agree with her on much anytime soon, but if I ever had the opportunity to meet her, I'd shake her hand. Like President Shepherd said in "The American President," don't talk to me about the land of the free until you've acknowledged the rights of everyone to believe and say what they want.
Joy Behar is a blowhard. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.
I'm getting together with some of my friends for game three tonight. Game three, home field advantage... I'm looking forward to a great game.
I decided to do a dry-run for NaNoWriMo this time around, with a work of fan fiction. I won't be entering it, obviously, as it's not an original work of fiction, but I'm calling it an exercise in discipline-building. And it isn't a BSG fic. Sorry to all the BSG fans, but I've been bitten by the Sarah Jane bug. I'll post it here and maybe some other places when I'm done. It's a May-December romance with plenty of all the Doctor Who characters I love so much.
November 4th can't arrive fast enough. I'm over all these ads disrupting my TV time. But if I turn off my "conservative asshole" filter, I can't help but enjoy some of what Bill O'Reilly has to say.
philadelphia: sports,
hasselbeck: misguided but courageous,
palin: fail