
Aug 07, 2006 22:16

I bought my OWN car.. very excited about that.
Now all I have to do is save up for enough money
to buy a appartment but still keep paying all my bills.
so that appartment thing won't be coming anytime soon.
oh well.

my birthday is saturday. 19.
i'm not sure if I'm ready for that yet.
I like 18.. it's a good age.

I have a doctors appt. tomorrow.
I have a kiddney infection that I have been holding off on for about a long ass time.
It's causing me to throw up now. not good.

still working at the coffee shop.. pretty much work everyday unless I ask for days off.
I have a key to the shop.. well I got that about a couple months ago. I'm going to start opening up the shop on saturday mornings all by myself soon..
It's a great place to work and I'm doing really well there but I feel like I want a change.. Do something else.
ehh I guess I'll see.

umm what else?

David and I are doing great.. Just had our year and a half.

I have decided to go to OCC this year. I still have no clue what I want to do right now. Sooo I wanted to go to a cheaper school. Better for me that way for the later years since I'll be paying for all of it.
I think I'll probably end up with animals some how.

well off to bed since I have to wake up at 5:30 :(
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